OT: Who gets the last word?

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Riehlthing said:
get some leonetti vineyards dd. only buy it in new york once a year. have to buy a min amount of cases and be on a waiting list to even go to the auction for it.
thanks - your hawks better win. I get a wopping $20 on it.
They take a big jug, fill it with grapes, then fill it with Chilean moonshine, and let it sit for 3-5 years while the grapes ferment a bit more and flavor the moonshine. Then I sat in the sun all day in 30 degree weather drinking it (and I´ve drank too much of the stuff to worry about converting that to farenheit for those that still use that backwards system :p )

Translated, they simply call it "grape liquor". Apparently, they also make one with cherries, too, which, appropriately, they call "cherry liquor". However, in their accent and my state of inebriation, I hear "cherry licker".

Heh heh I said cherry licker
I´m doing a lot of drinking here. 95% of the conversations are completely in spanish between my wife and her relatives. I understand it when they say "¿Mas vino?" or "¿Mas cerveza?", and I respond with "Si, uno mas, por favor". Then they go on talking and I go on drinking
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