OT: Who gets the last word?

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ugh...didn't have internet connection last weekend, and have to figure out why my wireless router isn't talking to the cable modem. Damn technology, maybe should call tech support.
finally washed my work truck, it is white after all, I had forgotten what color it really was.
Warm here, going to head out in a bit and enjoy the nice Portland area weather.
Fuck figuring out the router for a bit.
DarbysDad said:
If you can wait to have kids then I say do it. I'm glad I have my son and not changing diapers anymore but wouldn't change anything. I think I should have been a little more mature and established with $$$$ before he came along. I must glad my parents made a man who's accountable for his family and is own actions.

Yeah, well, that was a different time. Back in the 1200's, parents actually taught their kids stuff.

And amen to the established with $$$$ idea. That's my goal. I'm almost there too!!! Found out how to make the big bucks driving trucks. Owner operator and drive cans (container trailers to you 4wheelin bastards). Couple routes can try, $1200 for a roundtrip Tacoma to Spokane (1 a day, 5 days a week), or $125 a roundtrip from Tacoma to Sumner (5-6 a day if I do that during the day, 8 a night if I run those graveyard, 5 days (nights) a week).
Riehlthing said:
Yeah, well, that was a different time. Back in the 1200's, parents actually taught their kids stuff.

And amen to the established with $$$$ idea. That's my goal. I'm almost there too!!! Found out how to make the big bucks driving trucks. Owner operator and drive cans (container trailers to you 4wheelin bastards). Couple routes can try, $1200 for a roundtrip Tacoma to Spokane (1 a day, 5 days a week), or $125 a roundtrip from Tacoma to Sumner (5-6 a day if I do that during the day, 8 a night if I run those graveyard, 5 days (nights) a week).
Nice!!! Keep on Truckin' :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

and after your route you can have one of these :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
no last word here, but after saying what I am about to say, it just might be my own!!

The star spangled banner had been changed to spanish, and is going to air (I think) soon. Jimi Hendrix's interpretation is one thing, same with any musical version. I can respect that. But, you wont see the people in Mexico translating their's to english. They say it is a message of solidarity. To whom? Not Americans and "immigrants." If that was true, there would be (on the air) an Italian, Czech, Portugese, French, Russian, Bulgarian and Isreali version!!!

If ya want to better your life, GREAT! COOL! Good for you! I know I have moved several times just to try that same thing. I am all for going somewhere to better yourself. That is totally cool, but follow the rules. Why is it that people crossing the Mexican/American border do not understand that you have a set list of rules and papers and doctrine that has to be done? Ugh. Migrant workers are good people. most of them. I do think they are good for us and if that is what they want to do with thier life, even better. But, for Gods sake, get the proper papers in order, become legal, and dont rub it in my face that you are here illegally. Illegal immigrants of ANY kind should be thrown out. Period, in any country anywhere.

And just for some information to the group (incase ya'll get pissy with me) I have quite a few friends in other "races" I dont see color until someone see's me as that first. I do treat all equal. But where I live and where I work, you will see more Mexican flags flying than American. The immigrants here will wave their flag in your face and yell VIVA MEXICO, because they know they can. I cannot wear a proud to be an AMerican shirt at my workplace because one of "them" got offended because he is not American, but a migrant worker. How is THAT for pissing you off!?

COME ON!! Follow the goddamn rules for immigration! The people going through New York and Cananda and any OTHER state from any OTHER country KNOW what you have to do. WHy dont they? A band cannot go to some other country and perform, they have a list of things that have to be in order first.

First word, last word, I dont care anymore. Racist? Not hardly. Ban me, shoot me, make fun of me, I dont care. This is just my little rant and even if ONE person thinks "wow, this is shit.." then I did my part. Equality for all, agreed. Citizen ship for those who follow the rules. No, this is not band related, but I had to get this off my chest. Now to go post this on a few other places.
Wherever you came from, for some reason, that country sucks worse than here, so let's celebrate that other country! If it didn't suck worse than here, you'd be there instead of here. My high school graduation ceremony had the opening speech given in Spanish first, before English. What the hell? Seriously! Where was the Russian? German? Or Japanese? C'mon people. To drive a truck, it is a requirement you have to be able to communicate in English. It didn't used to be that way, but it is now. I thought part of the citizenship requirements was to speak English?
Riehlthing said:
Yeah, well, that was a different time. Back in the 1200's, parents actually taught their kids stuff.


My next door neighbors just found out they're pregnant a few weeks ago. They found out like days after conception, because she's due the middle of November. Anyway, they'd decided against it because she has severe epilepsy and her medication causes severe birth defects. Now they have to juggle between keeping the baby safe and keeping her from having seizures.

Anyway, since they weren't planning on any to be begin with, they're very established and set for it. However, while she just got a new RAV4, he's running around in a little S10. So my husband tells him to enjoy it now, because the truck is going away in a while. And the poor guy is in such denial right now, he thinks he's keeping it. He's not thinking of the day his wife decides the carseat isn't safe in front and he needs something in the backseat. They both work, so it's safe to say he'll be taking the kid places, too.

There's so much stuff you find out after the fact. But it's fun.
It's all risks vs. benefits. The chances of having birth defects on epilepsy drugs is 10% (vs. 3% in the general population), but the damage that could be done to the fetus if the mother has a seizure could have devastating effects as well. Do they go childless or do they take their chances? Everyone has to decide that for themselves.
According to Denis Leary, we have to invade Canada next, because they're too quiet, too nice, and if you listen very closely at the border, you can hear them sharpening their ice skates. And apparently they're very bitter about Burger King turning the croissant into the Croissandwich.
nafnikufesin said:
It's all risks vs. benefits. The chances of having birth defects on epilepsy drugs is 10% (vs. 3% in the general population), but the damage that could be done to the fetus if the mother has a seizure could have devastating effects as well. Do they go childless or do they take their chances? Everyone has to decide that for themselves.

I think it helps greatly that they found the pregnancy so early. She was only 4-5 weeks along, to get the meds out of her system and figure out what to do about it. I know they were kind of on eggshells until she got in to see her neurologist. I think they found it because she was in a car accident and they took her to the hospital because of her history.

I also think it helps that they know that it is epilepsy that causes her seizures. Another girl I used to work with is due in July, and she has unexplained seizures. She was taking two medications, and they told her to stop taking one but the other one was okay for the baby, and after a couple of months, she had a seizure anyway. But they never knew what was causing them, so they were hard to treat from the beginning. She'd had to stop working and driving for a long time, but at the time she got pregnant, she hadn't had one in a year. They started after a car accident.

Anyway, my neighbors act like they're shocked, but if you're actively trying to prevent pregnancy, obviously to get pregnant you're doing something different. Poor thing is going to be pregnant right through the summer, and I don't wish that on anyone. Had to do that with Tonya. Arizona is not the place for that. I recommend spring babies for everyone.
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