OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
Yeah, yeah, yeah! :kickass:

Good-bye Dead Wings!

Go Oilers go!

Now if the Flames can win one of their next two, we can see the Oilers and Flames renew their rivalry of old :kickass: :kickass:

I'll bite my tounge:bah:

It was a good game and the Oilers just outplayed us.

That's all I have to say about that
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Nope, Rescue Me gets wickedly high ratings as well. Which starts again on May 30. Woo-hoo!! Definitely interested on where they're headed this year, after how they ended it last year.

I'm definitely looking forward to the new season of Rescue Me also. I think FX actually has some decent shows. They are kinda like HBO in that they play a whole lot of crap but their actual network made shows are really good. I actually like "Over There" "Always Sunny in Philadelphia", and even that show about eating disorders. Thief hasn't been to bad either. It is highly unbelievable but still entertaining to watch.
MyHatred said:
I'm definitely looking forward to the new season of Rescue Me also. I think FX actually has some decent shows. They are kinda like HBO in that they play a whole lot of crap but their actual network made shows are really good. I actually like "Over There" "Always Sunny in Philadelphia", and even that show about eating disorders. Thief hasn't been to bad either. It is highly unbelievable but still entertaining to watch.

I swore off TV for 4 years... I hate the media. And my kids are homeschooled so it made it easy to keep them interested in education when all I have to do is rent (net flix) the videos and movies I want us to check out.

But now, my sister in law just bought satilite for the kids. I have busted them 3 times in 4 days, watching TV at 4am. What am I to do?

I'm not up to date at all about the shows that come on or anything. Now there's hundreds of channels. It's kind of overwhelming.:cry: :zombie: o_O
remington69 said:
My husband had never used a debit/ATM card before we were married. Now, he uses it like nothing else. We have a system: we empty all receipts into the drawer w/ the checkbook, and then I balance the checkbook every few days or so.
The debit card is great because now we barely use our credit cards. So, mainly, we're just paying off the balances for those cards.
Good idea. Not using youre credit cards too much. I've been paying my cc off every month to improve my credit and to not get behind the eight ball again.

I didn't even get an ATM card until 1995/6. But I love them and I love paying bills on online, so I don't have to write checks. I write checks to the Water company and my wife writes a handful for book clubs, stamp clubs, ornaments etc.
MyHatred said:
I'll bite my tounge:bah:

It was a good game and the Oilers just outplayed us.
Not necessarily all the time. It was a close series, and the Oilers certainly seemed to selectively turn up their game. Last night, the Wings totally outplayed the Oil in the first two periods (the shots were 17-2 in the 2nd period alone), so the Oilers were a bit lucky to still even be in the game going in to the third, but then they turned on the gas. The 3rd goal wasn't pretty , but it set up a real beauty for the game winner.
MyHatred said:
I'm definitely looking forward to the new season of Rescue Me also. I think FX actually has some decent shows. They are kinda like HBO in that they play a whole lot of crap but their actual network made shows are really good. I actually like "Over There" "Always Sunny in Philadelphia", and even that show about eating disorders. Thief hasn't been to bad either. It is highly unbelievable but still entertaining to watch.

My husband likes Over There as well, but I have a hard time watching it, because I have a friend, uh, over there, now. If he was back home, I could probably watch it with no problem.

I missed the first two episodes of Thief, and I hate coming into a show from anywhere but the beginning (except for The Sopranos, because my sister-in-law lent me the DVDs) so I didn't bother with it. But they said "season finale" the other night instead of "series finale" which means it did well enough to come back again next year.

The one about eating disorders looked interesting, but I missed it. I watched "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a few times, when I remembered it was on. The cancer-sympathy angle was classic.
Anybody pick up the new Tool yet?
I got it on my lunch break and I'm really enjoying it. It doesn't have all the sound effect fillers that have filled up the last two albums.
I give it an 8 out of 10. :headbang:
emtfhII said:
Anybody pick up the new Tool yet?
I got it on my lunch break and I'm really enjoying it. It doesn't have all the sound effect fillers that have filled up the last two albums.
I give it an 8 out of 10. :headbang:

My husband is supossed to get that and the new Pearl Jam on the way home from work today. Of course, I'll have to fight him to listen to it.
I haven't got all the way through the new Tool album but I can already say that it is definitely a step above Laterlalus. I got the new Dimebag dvd for free also:headbang: I got the last one at Best Buy and some redneck guy wanted it, so he offered me double the money for it. I took his cash and then walked across the street to the mall and bought it for a couple bucks cheaper. I never thought I would say this but stupid rednecks rule!
nafnikufesin said:
New Pearl Jam? It seems like they dropped off the radar for a while. How do they sound these days?

They've been playing a single on the radio recently and it doesn't sound that bad. My husband's more into the band than me, and he seemed pleased.

Of course, there's a lot of anti-Bush and anti-war songs on the album.
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