OT: Who gets the last word?

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:puke: Uhhhh, sat at the bar with Bostaph till about 2 in the morning getting super drunk. I smell like an empty beer can is what my GF tells me. I ended up getting my bandmates to go to the show. So DD and N.F.F. I am going to let you off the hook this time but don't let it happen again:lol: Exodus fucking slayed last night despite the lighting issues the Temple Club was having. There will be pics in about a week or so. Until then, I am going to lay in the corner in the fetal position and continue to puke my brains out and wish that I had called in:puke:

I hate myself.
MyHatred said:
:puke: Uhhhh, sat at the bar with Bostaph till about 2 in the morning getting super drunk. I smell like an empty beer can is what my GF tells me. I ended up getting my bandmates to go to the show. So DD and N.F.F. I am going to let you off the hook this time but don't let it happen again:lol:
Just give me a little more advanced notice next time. Next week I'll be going to Toronto for a week, so I'll be a little closer if you need my services :D
MyHatred said:
:puke: Uhhhh, sat at the bar with Bostaph till about 2 in the morning getting super drunk. I smell like an empty beer can is what my GF tells me. I ended up getting my bandmates to go to the show. So DD and N.F.F. I am going to let you off the hook this time but don't let it happen again:lol: Exodus fucking slayed last night despite the lighting issues the Temple Club was having. There will be pics in about a week or so. Until then, I am going to lay in the corner in the fetal position and continue to puke my brains out and wish that I had called in:puke:

I hate myself.
you should fly out to lay when Death Angel plays with Armored Saint.

Finally feeling normal again after Friday.....That was a serious hangover:lol: !!! I went home and slept for 4 hours and woke up and ate and then went back to bed. This weekend pretty much sucked!!! My car is in the shop getting repaired. I was heading to my parents for mother's day and my car breaks down on the highway. So that took me a couple of hours of messing around getting someone to pick it up on a sunday while it was raining like crazy and to top it off I never was able to make it to my parents for mother's day:erk: . Oh, and the Piston's lost too:mad:
MyHatred said:
Well, I was still sleeping my hangover off during the weekend. I am not kidding. That hangover made me completely reconsider not drinking until the weekend again.
Ever heard the song "Worst Hangover Ever" by the Offspring? Not their best song, but it makes me laugh because it rings true. The last lines are "I'm never going to drink again...I'll probably never drink again...at least until next weekend"
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