Over-rated Bands

Acid bath is heavy as fuck sludge with some pretty experimental things thrown into it.. I guess it sounds a bit like sludgey grindcore with death grunts in a way until accoustic guitars and vocals which could very well belong to Nirvana's gothic cousin rear their head. They are probubly the best sludge band in my opinion though they are often overrated because they have a bit of a cult following in the scene.
Cant stand Nu Metal either with one exception.. Really I dont even consider it to be metal and nor do most of the people I know, though generally I find the craze for Nu Metal has died off completely (Linkin Parks new album sounds like U2..).
Nu Metal was just a way to sell music to two different crowds that normally dont agree on music, rappers and metalheads and cash in on both sides. Still, there were some authentic artists in the whole thing, Korn for instance are the exception mentioned above, they are a brilliant band. Slipknot were never really Nu Metal, but they are not bad. Still when you look at what Nu Metal did to bands like Machine Head and Sepultura and then add Limp Bizkit, Static X, P.O.D and all those other bullshit bands into the mix you understand why Nu Metal is hated.
I like Tool heaps, but I can understand that people think they're over-rated. There are so many Tool fanboys that seem to think that Maynard farting would be some sort of amazing psychedelic experience, and that Danny Carey is the greatest ever drummer.
I use to be a tool fan when first getting into music. I think the problem with tool is everyone in the band is great except for their guitarist. I just put on A Perfect Circle mer de noms once in awile because it's what tool would sound like with good and expirimental guitarists.
I use to be a tool fan when first getting into music. I think the problem with tool is everyone in the band is great except for their guitarist. I just put on A Perfect Circle mer de noms once in awile because it's what tool would sound like with good and expirimental guitarists.
I got real sick of Tool's tired and repetitive formula after Aenima. Aenima is their best, and they went downhill after that. The "tool riff" is played out and boring at this point. Same shit over and over. Perfect Circle is better listening music. They have some solid chill-out jams with a dark atmosphere.
Watain. They're still a decent band but Dissection and Sacramentum perfected what they are trying to do 10 years ago.