Over-rated Bands

dream theater yuk
arch enemy
and alot of the current death grindcore acts that have no originality an just keep rehashing the old school formula
Amon Amarth never get old to me, and i listen to them regularly...

Metallica - Too many fans of the later albums. The first 4 are OK but still not that amazing, whilst the latest 3 (And the one to be released it seems from what ive heard...) arent even worthy of fans

I have to agree with anyone who says Dragonforce are overrated, the amount of people ive heard say "Dragonforce are better" than anything i listen to is highly irritating, THEY ARENT THAT GREAT. Hell, the drum patterns is IDENTICAL for EVERY song, they admitted it themselves! How can that not get boring?!

Mastodon - Yeah, theyre OK, but they have WAY too much praise going for them. Im not saying theyre bad or anything, i like listening to them now and again, its just they really arent all that amazing.

Korn/SOAD/Breaking Benjamin/Mudvayne etc. etc. - That speaks for itself

BFMV & Trivium (And Seether) - YES, I KNOW I LISTEN TO THEM SOMETIMES. But even so, they really arent that great. Nowhere near as amazing as people make them out to be. Oh and if you flame me for listening to them, ill just ignore it. I have rights to listen to whatever i want to.

Now, when it comes to underrated bands... theres a lot more. Mourning Beloveth, Garden Of Shadows, Vesperian Sorrow...

Screw you they're my favorite death metal band.

Btw I agree 100% about Arch Enemy and Dream Theater. Arch Enemy is the most overrated melodic metal band. Dream Theater is the most overrated progressive metal band. Good choices cept for Deicide whom only made two bad albums.
Arch Enemy are definetely over-rated... I think so many people just go "Wow a chick doing death grunts, that is so cool"... Its crap really.

Deicide I do not find over-rated at all, their debut is brilliant, sure they have released some crap but what band hasn't.

I dont find Metallica over-rated... I think anyone that praises the black album too much to be giving them way too much credit, or anyone that things Load and Reload are decent, but Ride and Master get the credit they deserve, rightfully so.

Really I think DragonForce are the most over-rated band out there at the moment though.. I mean what the fuck, one reviewer called them the 21st centuries Nirvana... Get a grip, they are only fast at best and while that is impressive I heard Lucca Turilli do it in the 90s better.
Metallica, good lord. Overrated to the max. And most often, their biggest fanboys aren't even into Master of Puppets.

Others are Dream Theater and Opeth. I am a huge fan of both, but there's so much Prog Metal out there that CAN top these two...no denying their influences, though.

The 'Big 4' of thrash in general. Except for Slayer, I don't find the other 3 as good as bands like Kreator, Sodom, Early Sepultura, etc.

Dragonforce and Helloween for Power Metal. Atleast, in Helloween's case, the two Keeper albums are overrated. I prefer the Deris era, which many say is 'inferior' to the Kiske era.
im sorry but deicide never did it for me neither did obituary cant listen to either give me entombed orsabbat or a host of others anyday
oh yeah mastodon are crap they are!
to me they sound like king diamond with too much going on around him
im sorry but deicide never did it for me neither did obituary cant listen to either give me entombed orsabbat or a host of others anyday
oh yeah mastodon are crap they are!
to me they sound like king diamond with too much going on around him
Dont disrespect the Diamond like that...Ive tried time & time again to get into Mastodon and only song I care for is The Colony Of Birchmen(and no I do NOT watch MTV)
^ what two bad albums did deicide make in your opinion?^^

Insineratehymn and In Torment in Hell those two albums are mediocre in my opinion and I didn't really like em.

Dream Theater (agree also)

Agree 100%, I used to like Dream Theater but they grow old. Megadeth I still listen to but they are definitly mediocre in comparrison to a lot of other thrash out there it's so obvious also.

In Flames

It's kinda funny, cuz people have insulted Amon Amarth on here and Carcassian has been on his anti-Arghoslent soapbox, so I read that and thought "its been a while, I should listen to those bands". I don't see why some people put up such a fight to defend their music tastes or opinions. My favorite bands may be overrated or it may all be relative, but I just don't give a fuck.

Of course, in real life, I wouldn't probably ever utter it, unless you brought up the name Arghoslent, but given this is a discussion board, carrying the "i just don't give a fuck" coda would result in a very tiresome and quiet board.

Know what you mean though. :kickass:
I was amazed to find that a great many internet reviews flame "Burning Bridges", which I thought (think?) is the finest Arch Enemy release to date.