

Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
I know we're all bubbling cauldrans of rage when it comes to a particular band/artist that everyone else orgasms over except you.

So, now is your chance to vent. New bands or old. Classics or newbies. Metal or not. Whatever.

Who, in your opinion, is totally overrated?
Not a nice topic but I'll have a think for you :D

EDIT: on 2nd thoughts, I like everything I've got im my itunes folder, and can't think of any more bands atm (trust me, 172 bands in there :D)
Also, this topic is only going to generate rage and flames of "ZoMg "Band X" are not overrated etc etc" So I'm not gonna take part... apart from this post...and any more cynical posts I make later on :lol:
unless they're so unbelievable offensive and/or crap that they're sole purpose on this planet is to have the shit ripped out of them...then its cool to poke fun about them being over-rated... :)
Tonberry said:
Thread over.

Oi you bitch stop trying to kill my thread!

This is not inciting rage it's just an outlet for bands who, as Han says, genuinely are over-hyped.

Just a discussion. Be mature. Don't spark anything off.

That being said I would like throw


into the ring.
I have a thing about Metallica. I don't like the way they think they invented metal, I think the band are so far up their own arse that they can't see their glory days are over.

That being said I probably haven't given Metallica too much of a chance. My first encounter with them was "Whiplash" and then I heard "St Anger"....not the perfect introduction I think you'll agree.
ATM, Children of Boredom, if you lived here in Cork you'd feel the full brunt of their popularity, 12 year old kids in COB t-shirts everywhere you look.. Sure they're an ok band, but they're not amazing.
Metallica! Wash your mouth out lad! lol. Nah they were brill before they totally lost the plot, after Re-Load it all went down hill fast and even that wasn't that much cop. They have plenty of old classics though that will rattle the bones from your body and have cause more than a few neck injuries in this old bod.

Bands I feel are over-rated are too many to bother with, although I really don't get all the hype over Dragonforce ... and no it's just my own personal preference and I'm so not looking for a fight here :saint:

I saw them a few years ago supporting WASP, just before the teeny bopper brigade got into them and thought ... mmm, they play fast and they run around very very fast on stage. Their shows look very erm ... busy. Then I saw them again playing with Adam Bomb *shudder* and thought ... does every single song really have to go 100 miles an hour and do they really all have to sound the same? Is it really necessary to run about that much throughout the whole of the show? Sorry but that was the very last time we went to see em and haven't been inclined to give them a third attempt. In fact that's why we missed out on the Edguy tour because we couldn't stomach watching Dragonforce headlining over them.

Funny thing is I know they are really really popular with the teeny bopper metallers and a lot of my 'younger' friends really dig them, so I guess they must have something going for them.

Horses for courses and all that, each to their own, it would be very boring if we all liked the same stuff wouldn't it and damn near impossible to get a limited edition cd if everyone else wanted it too :loco:

I prefer to hear the melody and the actual compostions of the songs. I like to be able to hear what the words actually say and not have to resort to the insert in the cd to try and work out what on earth they are going on about.

Yup, I guess I'm getting old :lol:

Yet more DF abuse.

I have the feeling I'm going to be bullied out of this forum unless I decide to renounce DF!

Fact is I don't see their speed and energy as some sort of tiresome gimmick. I see it as genuine talent and love of the music.

With ANY band there will be haters...I'm sure there are some brainless PQ haters out there. But it won't change my mind. I simpley love the music.
Justin Timberlake. Can't go 3 minutes at the gym without a stupid "that shit doesn't even rhyme" video of that twat dancing in a moronic hat.

/had a crappy training session. ALWAYS remember to bring ipod.
Everyone who says metallica are overrated needs only to look at the thousands of musicians that rate them as inspirational; saying that Metallica are one of their biggest insiprations.
Also listening to "Ride The Lightning" can't hurt.