Own Pictures

I thought it was about time I exposed myself...
Thanks... I'm Seventeen.

you say eighteen?

(I heard eighteen ;))

(j/k btw, you can't pass off a moment to quagmire someone).

Here are some pics because I finally found decent ones (even though I don't frequent this board very often anymore):
If you can guess my heritage, I'll send you lots and lots of tiiiiny bottles of Finlandia!





Also, nice to know what you look like Bates - feels good to put a face to the opinion :kickass:
Your complexion says northern, and your facial structure (high cheekbones and the eye folds) says Baltic. So I'll take a guess and say you're at least part Finn, possibly Estonian. That and your thing for the Finnish version of stuff. ;)

As for me, I look like what I am. A crazy blend of Latvian, German, and Swamp Yankee. :p
lol, Seraphim, i always thought you were the guy in your display pic.

And your question about your heritage must be a trick question. So considering that I'd say you're part american indian and part scandinavian, with perhaps a little slavic in there.
Nice pics Nikki & Heavy Metal :)

Btw Bates, I have no idea what I am - I was adopted, and my birth parents were both abandoned. Most people say I look a cross between a finn and a norwegian, but I'll never know (plus I'm sure a few board members here will disagree - actually being from scandinavia and all lol).

I also had a question for you: do you know a good place to hunt for an anvil? Or a good site to buy steel to work with?