Own Pictures

Just got back from vacation visiting my Momma in the St. Croix in the Virgin Islands, pretty fucking boring but i got to feed pigs beer!



Now hes happy

Cruzan Rum factory

Found the stash!

Point Udall, easternmost point of the US

lmfao, dunno what that thing is...but it looked epic
this is me at about 4 in the morning a few months back quite intoxicated. i wouldn't wear those sunnies in public i can tell you that now :P

as you can see, my hair has also run away. started to run away when i was 18 and now i'm 24. lol
Haha I bet no one can guess my heritage either...unless I have given it away already ;)
*pics on page 9 I think. I am also a bit tan from being out in the sun so its harder to tell...I need to find pics from last year...
I started a new file on Pokemon yellow and named my character Amon while naming Gary's character Amarth.

So I found this kinda funny.

Shit! What was your hair like before?

It was between my belt and knees and was a total pain in the ass, It would get caught in everything , and I do mean everything , car doors, furniture, food, you name it, it was even becoming harder to windmill, because of the sheer volume of it.
once at a Pantara show me and two of my friends (who's hair were comparable to mine in length) got all of our hair tangled while thrashing and it took until the lights came on for us to get help from our girlfriends to get us all untangled. trust me , it was a very un-easy and tense moment for all of us, cuz scissors were mentioned as an option, The Horror, The Horror!!
so when I did get it cut I was expecting about a foot to get cut off and she cut about 2 feet off and this was the result I've kept it this length every since, its just about manageable.


Thrash hard Ride free!
Jesu Christe, I would kill to have hair with that much volume... and length!
I want mine to my waist, but it's only happened a few times for portions of it (split ends, my deadliest nemesis
), How on earth were you able to grow it out so long?