Own Pictures

How old did you think I am...? *curious*

I am turning to a smooth 31 years when Amon Amarth is playing 'The Crusher' in Bochum :D :kickass: :rock:

Note to self, bring birthday paddle to Germany :P

Bah, and your still younger than me! I'm going to be one of the oldest there!
truthfully? 50+ it might sound stupid but i always relate your nickname to Granpa


cheers, man

*smart-ass mode: on*
P.S. Graupel (also called snow pellets) refers to precipitation that forms when supercooled
droplets of water condense on a snowflake, forming a 2–5 mm ball of rime; the snowflake
acts as a nucleus of condensation in this process. The term is derived from German
Graupel meaning the same. Graupel does not include other frozen precipitation such as
snow, hail, ice pellets or diamond dust.
*smart-ass mode: off*
What do you do? And when can I start, I want a job with views like that! Ooo and looking at stars. Lucky :P

I'm an astronomer.
I haven't observed at the Observatorio del Teide myself yet (at a couple of other
observatories though), but I was visting some friends on the island who were also
astronomers, and they could give me a tour :D

But as a regular astronomer you get to spent about 5% (max) of your time at observatories
(which are, admitely, located at quite cool places). The rest of the time you sit in front of the
computer trying to get as much science as possible out of crappy data... ;)
I'm an astronomer.
I haven't observed at the Observatorio del Teide myself yet (at a couple of other
observatories though), but I was visting some friends on the island who were also
astronomers, and they could give me a tour :D

But as a regular astronomer you get to spent about 5% (max) of your time at observatories
(which are, admitely, located at quite cool places). The rest of the time you sit in front of the
computer trying to get as much science as possible out of crappy data... ;)

Wow, that is incredible man. What a smarty pants you are! (sorry had to.)
I've never met an astonomer before. Discovered any planets today? What is your field in astronomy? *smart mode on* Quasars, Nebulas, Pulsars, Dark matter? How much data do YOU use from hubble?
I would kill to pick your brain for a day! You have now opened a whole new geek side of me. I just reread Steven Hawkin's A Brief History In Time, about two months ago. I hadn't read it in a while and with the Universe show on the history channel now, I figured it would be a good time for a reread. What are your thoughts on The String Theory? *smart mode off*
I'm impressed Captain ;)
this is me at about 4 in the morning a few months back quite intoxicated. i wouldn't wear those sunnies in public i can tell you that now :P

as you can see, my hair has also run away. started to run away when i was 18 and now i'm 24. lol


OMG! I found a picture of you that you posted (can't take it back now), with no horns or fingers in front of your face! I'm so impressed =P
Gimmie! :lol::lol:
:notworthy... finally, there is a face on the other side of the computer! :heh: :D

Hey, i thought you were M.I.A.! :p

I actually did post some pics of myself when i first started posting a lot, but quickly deleted them cos i was ashamed that i had started socializing over the internet, as i always thought only dweebs did it that sort of thing. :D I'm slowly starting to come terms with it, however, and i've even started being open about it to a select few real-life people i know.

Perhaps one day i'll be able to fully "come out of the closet" and proudly shout it to the skies, "I socialize on the internet!" :p