Too much awesome beardage in this thread lately
*looks in mirror at pathetic bumfluff chin accessory in a jealous rage!*
*looks in mirror at pathetic bumfluff chin accessory in a jealous rage!*
Too much awesome beardage in this thread lately
*looks in mirror at pathetic bumfluff chin accessory in a jealous rage!*
OMG! I found a picture of you that you posted (can't take it back now), with no horns or fingers in front of your face! I'm so impressed =P
Hey, i thought you were M.I.A.!
I actually did post some pics of myself when i first started posting a lot, but quickly deleted them cos i was ashamed that i had started socializing over the internet, as i always thought only dweebs did it that sort of thing. I'm slowly starting to come terms with it, however, and i've even started being open about it to a select few real-life people i know.
Perhaps one day i'll be able to fully "come out of the closet" and proudly shout it to the skies, "I socialize on the internet!"
no no no, I was here... just a bit busy lately
Before being a member of this forum, I had a feeling similar to yours with this subject, I didn't want to socialize on the internet. I had the feeling that I couldn't trust people who I never saw in person. But then I realized that this is like real life... you can find different kinds of people, bad people who is better to maintain far from you but you can also find really nice people, people that is worth to know, like all mates from this forum...
Your face is certainly metal, n00b