Own Pictures

this thread needs more pictures.



and my interpretation of the end of the first Rocky

Me with some nasty looking dreads.

Couple of days later with short hair at a metalgig. I'm the one at the right. Girls we were holding were in the band playing that night, nice of them to put up with us, as we were totally wasted.

This is the most recent one (others are two years old)
Still short hair because I cut off the dreads

And this is just posing for the camera, I'm not gay!! :)
Ok, haven't posted a pic of me in a while, so here you go, the most recent i have :) :


Yeah, i'm somewhat skinny but I'm working on it. Started extensive training which I do every single day.. hopefully I'm gonna be a true body builder in a few months :D
We used to have Slayer onesies for him, actually, haha. Those were the days....he's now almost 3 and running around like a mini madman. We do need to get some shirts for the little booger, though.

I am now seriously broody. I blame you and my German friend Mandy, who showed me her baby boy yesterday. Two months and absolutely lovely.