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i need to start doing that, i go to enough shows to put it! i wonder if the sound will be different (quality-wise)

It's worth using them. If you get the cheap foam ones, you will find they filter out ambient noise but let you listen to the music just as well. And if someone talks into your ear, you will hear them just as clearly.

Or get a job which requires you to get in-ear industrial ear defenders and get them to pay for it- James has those. They are made to measure, which involves someone sticking wax in your ear to get the exact shape of your ear canal. They are even better, I've been told- obviously these are made to fit only the person that they were made for.
i need to start doing that, i go to enough shows to put it! i wonder if the sound will be different (quality-wise)

It's funny cause when I was a 14/15 year old kid and started going to shows and calling my friends gay for using earplugs, I thought the sound would be much worse. A few months later I decided to use them myself and for years I've been using them since. I never go to a show with out them. Even the cheap shitty foam ones cancel out alot of the noise you shouldn't be hearing and it almost makes the sound better. I could definitely hear stuff better with the plugs than without.

The only downside with plugs is that you look kinda stupid with them in there and you might get some shit for 'em. I'd rather have that than lose my hearing though (I suspect I've already lost some, but only a little thanks to the plugs).
i need to start doing that, i go to enough shows to put it! i wonder if the sound will be different (quality-wise)

Not wearing them would be stupid I'd say (of course I haven't always said that...)

Have been to loud shows where I've been more or less deaf for a day and had high tinnitus like beeps ringing in my ears for half a week after, can't be good...
Luckily my hearing is still OK and don't have tinnitus, but all it takes is one show with the luck not on your side.

If you get the industrial ones they'll pretty much dampen all sounds/noise down to a certain degree, meaning you'll hear everythin at a lower volume.

If you get the music (and/or swimming) plugs, here they cost like 4 euro, you'll take off the really loud peaks that damage your ear, but will let you hear the music rather well.

Whatever you do, do NOT take them out during the show, even if you think it sucks that you can't hear well, that will damage your hearing even more than if you werem't wearing them for starters.
I should wear ear plugs to save what little hearing range I have left. When I worked at the airport for UPS..we had to have a hearing test every 6mths...if your score dropped by so many points they moved you off the ramp into the hub. Which was funny when I went in for my baseline exam..the technician was like..are you sure you want this job...you already have the hearing of a 60yr old (I was 22 at the time).
I should wear ear plugs to save what little hearing range I have left. When I worked at the airport for UPS..we had to have a hearing test every 6mths...if your score dropped by so many points they moved you off the ramp into the hub. Which was funny when I went in for my baseline exam..the technician was like..are you sure you want this job...you already have the hearing of a 60yr old (I was 22 at the time).

Yup I know someone who is practically deaf in one ear and another with tinnitus. Shit is fucked up. :(
you can get high tech hearing protection that only cancels out certain frequencies...not sure how useful this would be at a concert but its great if you're at a machine all day long, you can tune them so you can't hear the machine but you can have a conversation with someone next to you...or hear announcements on the PA system
heres a few pics of me to get this thread back on track and since I havent posted any yet

me being drunk...if she was that worried why did she sit there?:lol:

and heres me making a funny face at a halloween party:headbang:
heres a few pics of me to get this thread back on track and since I havent posted any yet

me being drunk...if she was that worried why did she sit there?:lol:

and heres me making a funny face at a halloween party:headbang:

Good to put a face to the name :) And yes, your glasses look like they are about to fall and succumb to a beserker attack in the last picture.
Sometimes I feel like the forum mum, you guys are so young :lol::lol:
btw where did you get realistic looking chainmail??? I tried a modern day reproduction made to medieval techniques and I almost collapsed under the weight! It was Norman so it goes way down to your knees almost.
btw where did you get realistic looking chainmail??? I tried a modern day reproduction made to medieval techniques and I almost collapsed under the weight! It was Norman so it goes way down to your knees almost.

made it myself...it's just butted 14ga. galvanised steel rings (home wound) ,so it's historically inaccurate but it looks good, if I do say so myself. I made the spaulders to, out of random bits of scrap metal and ultra-suede(hence the turquoise arm bands XD). The whole thing is rather heavy, but because it's flexible I find it sits well and when I'm wearing it I don't really notice the weight. I chose to keep it short cos I wasn't sure how well the rings at the top would stay shut under the extra weight of something longer. eventually I might try some riveted rings to allow for heavier garments and so I can use thinner wire :D

Next project is a spangenhelm type thing made from more 'recycled' appliances. Speaking of which, I should get on that, it's been stagnating for months.
Someone thinking 'God damn, why do these oogly kids always have to bother me with their fotoshoots. It's not like I know them, or even like them. They make me money, that's it. Why doesn't Angelina Jolie ever want to take a picture with me. That would be sweet."