Own Pictures

Thanks, but I'm not sure you understand exactly what is happening....

The words "Amon Amarth" is the elven name for "Mount Doom" in "Lord Of The Rings" By JRR Tolkien, it's what he named it plain and simple. Like many death and black metal bands and artists they took a name from the LOTR "series" since they are pretty darn sweet (much like "Count Grishnak", AKA. Varg Vikernes. Grishnak is an Orc warlord in the LOTR series).

As far as the Oden/Odin part.

In Swedish he's named "Oden", which he also was by the Scandinavian Vikings back in the day. While "Odin" is how you say "Oden" in english. (just like I say "Hårdrock" in Swedish and one would say "Hard Rock"/"Heavy Metal" in English...

What's not to get? :P

EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now I geddit :lol:
I went on a road trip to Montreal this summer with a couple friends and look what they keep underground there...

It's funny how the shortest person is wearing the midget shirt XD

And as a slight explanation for my earlier pic, I believe the initials stand for 'compagnie utilitaire de montréal' (Montreal utility company)
Rhonda, do you realise that the joke on that T-shirt is wasted on 99% of males? They don't see any writing on it. Too busy looking at Da giant knockers.

:OMG::yow: Men, would do that sort of thing? Unbelievable, shocking in fact....

@ NW that's part of the joke. Bought it just for that reason.
you soo got to be a german... :Smug::Saint:

......nope xD
My last name may be "müller" (The most common german last name), but I'm 0% german.

My granddad was Swiss, so I'm 1/8th Swiss and 7/8ths Swedish ^^,
(I'm both a Swedish and a Swiss citizen so I'm not even offended when people ask me if I live in the alps xD)