Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases

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I personally thought Oxford researchers had more important things to do than this. With all due respect, at the end of the day it's not rocket science.


I'm somewhat peeved that "No offense" and "don't quote me on this" didn't make the cut.

Yeah, those two phrases are far more annoying than most of the ones that made the list.
Business lingo is also extremely fucking annoying and retarded, particularly "shoot me an e-mail" and "touch base". Everytime I hear either of those I want to stab the person who said it in the throat.

There's also all that smarmy marketing language which uses words like "opportunity", "enterprise", "bringing value to customers", etc.

And finally, when people use phrases like "I was just wondering..." or "I just wanted to know..." at the beginning of a question instead of just asking the fucking question itself. God, that shit is stupid. Unfortunately, I often resort to it in formal situations just because it seems slightly rude to ask the question straight without dressing it up at all. :erk:
We should bring back the phrase 'to wit'. I always see it when I read David Hume and it's awesome.
Speaking of racism, what's with black people who say "it's" instead of "there's", as in "I'm going to the store because it's nothing in the fridge"? I can understand a truncated word here and there, but at least fucking use the correct word.

Mikko of DSO/various noise bands says "what" instead of "that" in a lot of instances, similar to the aforementioned example by Ack.