Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases

cookie: It's "part and parcel", which basically means that something is an integral or essential part of something else.
Damian: I'm from north of Boston. I don't often omit r's, but you can figure it out since I sometimes do if I'm being less careful at speaking.

I don't really do it much at all, seriously. Maybe if I just need to say one word really fast, but I always feel retarded. Car would become "cah" etc. It's the Boston accent br0.
I laughed at "are you trying to hang out?". Do people actually say this often?:lol:

Hmm, "'twas" and "dawg" are pretty annoying. Not that I ever hear them in daily use due to extremely Jewish wherabouts,(only on TV) but just seeing these words printed out evokes something unpleasant.