Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

If you looked outside your borders and saw how REAL social programs worked, you might feel differently. The social programs in the US are laughable and don't even work, and that's partly why we're in the mess we're in now.

It's funny that Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) had a little social program in oil-distribution to the poor people in the Bronx (if I'm not mistaken).
It is at least a signal that things are really messed up when a foreign country uses the lack of care of another country for the lesser fortunate to "make fun" of their policy
While that was taken out of context by a large chunk of the media and bloggers... For fucks sake speech writers! You need to make each sure each speech doesn't have shit that can EASILY be taken out of context and used and abused by the media. Especially this close to November.
How much cancer treatment is done at the free clinic?

There are many Italian physicists at CERN, yet I've never heard of an Associate's in quantum physics. Absolutely nothing wrong with an Associate's degree, as it helps you get where you're going, but we're talking the full monty.

You're comparing apples and oranges.
Shit, Palin got her ass handed to her in tonight's interview with Charles Gibson. She performed well under pressure, even though she tripped up a bit on the Bush Doctrine part of it.

Bottom line, I'm sure she has good intentions, but like Bush she just seems completely fucking clueless about the rest of the world.


Gibson set her up on that question, and in this very condescending tone was like, "Well, the way I interpret The Bush Doctrine, blah blah blah..".

There was some major douchebaggery on their part. I still think she's a dumbass, but not necessarily due to this interview.
Ahh, I guess it's about the Task of god shit... I guess she had a long response and ABC edited it out of the televised version. Classic ABCnews there... they've been dying for attention. :lol:

Although, Tucker Bounds really just needs to shut up:

“Governor Palin’s full statement was VERY different” from the way Gibson characterized it,” read a statement circulated by McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

“Gibson cut the quote — where she was clearly asking for the church TO PRAY THAT IT IS a task from God, not asserting that it is a task from God.

“Palin’s statement is an incredibly humble statement, a statement that this campaign stands by 100 percent, and a sentiment that any religious American will share,” Bounds wrote.

For fucks sake, all he could have said is "We're aware there are some edits in the ABCnews interview, take it for what it is." The matter is that she did say the words, so tuckers dumb ass shouldn't be trying to spin them.
Honestly, gotta love the media:

ABC’s mischaracterization of Palin’s words was not the only one in the media. The Washington Post also did some last-minute clean-up in one of its articles on Palin — a front-page story Friday with the headline “Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 in Talk to Troops in Alaska.”

As pointed out by The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol, the original version posted online used harsher language than the one that hit Beltway newsstands early Friday morning.

The original passage, written by staff writer Anne E. Kornblut, read:

“Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would ‘defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.’

“The idea that the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein helped Al Qaeda plan the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a view once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself. On any other day, Palin’s statement would almost certainly have drawn a sharp rebuke from Democrats, but both parties had declared a halt to partisan activities to mark Thursday’s anniversary.”

But in the print version, and the version now appearing on the newspaper’s Web site, the article softened its claim a bit by swapping in the last line with this: “But it is widely agreed that militants allied with Al Qaeda have taken root in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion.”