Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

da, komrad :zombie:

I think that's where we disagree and there will be no accord on this topic. As long as you believe it's a privilege and I believe it should be a right, this debate will go on and on. Let's just agree to disagree.

@ HN: Many of my posts are very long and sometimes people just don't have the patience to sit through them all. It could be looked upon as a short-attention span, but mostly just laziness. Chromatose is right, though...very long posts tend to lose their impact. I just explain myself in one complete post so there is no doubt remaining on where I stand in my opinions.
Not that I don't appreciate the preservation of literacy that it commands in this short attention span-addled age of tl;dr's.
I'm not sure how I feel about taxing people more because they have been successful.

Simply cause it's fair to think in percentages, not in amounts of money.
It's just not humane to say that a family that barely gets by has to pay as much as a family that is bathing in luxury.
You can't say "well, that's their own fault" about the first, 'cause we all know how unpredictable life can be

Saw this posted somewhere else. Thought I'd just share it here, regardless of it's obvious bias. The fact that McCain has actually said these things. Makes voting for him, pretty much insane.
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I can't wait for her to do a speech here at school. I'll have the megaphone and death metal ready.

Preferably Bloodbath...
I think that's where we disagree and there will be no accord on this topic. As long as you believe it's a privilege and I believe it should be a right, this debate will go on and on. Let's just agree to disagree

I'm not clear on the difference between right and privilege as you are using them. Perhaps you could explain this point, as it seems to be one of the fundamental differences in the opposing positions expressed here. Many debates fail to find common ground until such a misunderstanding is cleared up.

Simply cause it's fair to think in percentages, not in amounts of money.
It's just not humane to say that a family that barely gets by has to pay as much as a family that is bathing in luxury.
You can't say "well, that's their own fault" about the first, 'cause we all know how unpredictable life can be

I believe you have a flat tax system in the Netherlands. In the US we have a tiered system where the more you make, the higher percentage you pay.
He took the time to write all that and that is your response? Ignorant :)
'all that' was simply a rehash of his previous post! would an equally long and equally redundant reply satisfy you more? his point of 'money doesnt buy happiness' is true for him, but perhaps not true for everyone. perhaps for some people money does buy happiness, thats why they pursued success and wealth in the first place, as is their right in this country. "since money doesnt buy me happiness, that must be true for everyone!" i guess he does admit to being elitist.
also, im not against raising the tax on that top 1% who have been getting over the last 30 years or so, because of the difference of income tax vs capitol gains (rich people make more money off stocks and such than their paycheck) because moneywise, they unquestionably pay more, but percentage wise they're getting over. unfortunately, with the trend of more social services has been the trend of raising taxes on the middle class and upper middle (by both dems and repubs), but not the poor and super rich. raising taxes more to pay for more social programs (free shit for bums), really hurts the middle class the most, slowly making them poorer, and widening the gap between rich and poor even more, because as you all say, "the rich can afford it!"
I'm trying to be a little more politically savy from now on, but I'm really having a hard time understanding what's good about either of these campaigns. Can you watch these videos in succession (they're all under a minute) and explain what they're talking about? Are McCain/Palin just puppets, blurting out pre-determined catchphrases in an attempt to pull in female voters? What the hell's happening? If McCain wins, I seriously might leave the country. The thought of him and Palin (especially her) in control literally gives me goosebumps.

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