Parts of songs that are just extra great!


From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
Aug 7, 2002
Stockholm, Sverige
Hay guys,

What are some of your favorite parts in songs? And now I'm talking about specific parts, you know that part where you while listening to the song really just wait in anticipation for that part! The song as a whole can be great but it has to have one special part that stands out.

And saying all of a great song or a song with great choruses or one where all the verses are great or whatever doesn't count, then you have to decide one specific chorus or verse that stands out and name it.

Example of what I mean:
Fates Warning - The Apparition, the bridge (or what you call it?) section about the four mirrors. I mean if that part was left out it wouldn't even be the best song on the album, let alone one of their best songs ever.

So what are your favorites?
Great thread idea!

Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun 3:55 - 4:18 instant shivers every time. "I knew there was no turning back from the castle of myself and I fell asleep far away from the sun"

Sacramentum - Beyond All Horizons 2:42 - 3:05 it's the part starting with "I am the ruler beyond all horizons..."

Vinterland - I'm Another in the Night 2:37 - 3:00 more feels.

Averse Sefira - Helix in Audience 5:20 - 6:54

The Chasm - A Portal to Nowhere 1:16 - 2:50 and 6:10 to the end, but really it's the entire song because it's one of my favourites of all time.

Candlemass - The Well of Souls 4.37 - the end. But especially the "Disharmony, satanic serenade...." part, and "Break the circle and all Hell comes loose..." and that outro riff. Godly song.

I've seem to remember reading quite a few opinions that "Flash of the Blade" was a filler song on Powerslave. Fuck that, I've always really liked it.

Seriously though, it's just so underrated. Especially with Bruce Dickinson's performance on it.
I agree it seems underrated. I'll take it over the far more popular "2 Minutes to Midnight" any day. Maybe that belongs in the controversial thread, though. I'm not huge on the chorus,
The Chasm - A Portal to Nowhere 1:16 - 2:50 and 6:10 to the end, but really it's the entire song because it's one of my favourites of all time.

The Chasm in general have tons of these kinda ecstatic passages that just blow my mind. One of my favorites is the entire second half of The Eclipse: Monument to the Empire. Couldn't find a youtube of the individual song, only the full album. The specific song starts at 41:30, the best part comes at 5 minutes in and lasts for almost 5 minutes itself.

I could have listed like 3-4 songs from every The Chasm album for this thread but I refrained haha.

I actually wanted to include "Apocalypse" from Deathcult but there isn't a YouTube of just that song. It's the part starting at 2:31 - 4:05.
The whole vocal section starting with "Dressed in putrefaction and gore...", but especially the way he says "fiendish fear" and "oooh and with anxiety my heart is pounding faster!" Such passion.

I also agree with the part you posted although the Godliness starts at 3:43ish!

How come you like The Chasm so much but you don't like much other death metal (from what I've seen anyway)? I mean obviously The Chasm is one of the best, but there's still lots of other great shit imo.
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How come you like The Chasm so much but you don't like much other death metal (from what I've seen anyway)? I mean obviously The Chasm is one of the best, but there's still lots of other great shit imo.

I would like more death metal if more death metal sounded like The Chasm. My favorite DM bands other than The Chasm are probably Septic Flesh, AtG and Arghoslent. If there's anything particular you'd like me to check out, go ahead and recommend it.
Darkthrone- Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust 1:46-3:39

Mutiilation- Magical Shadows of a Tragic Past 5:07-6:48

(It seems I have a thing for doomy passages in the midst of black metal songs)

Rhapsody- Wisdom of the Kings 2:18-3:12

Cryptopsy-Dead and Dripping 1:41-2:27
I would like more death metal if more death metal sounded like The Chasm. My favorite DM bands other than The Chasm are probably Septic Flesh, AtG and Arghoslent. If there's anything particular you'd like me to check out, go ahead and recommend it.

I'm not really aware of anything that sounds quite like The Chasm, their use of melody seems quite unqiue to me. Within metal and especially death metal anyway.

Corchado features on Incantation's - Diabolical Conquest and Cenotaph's - The Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden Sorrows. I'm not sure if you'd like the former, but the latter is quite a strange album and you may like it. Takes a while to accustom yourself to it I think.

Other than those, some of my favourite death metal records include:

Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Demilich - Nespithe - this is definitely otherworldly and strange just not in the same way as The Chasm
Adramelech - Psychostasia
Crimson Relic - Purgatory's Reign - this is underrated as fuck imo.
Dismember - Like An Everyflowing Stream
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
Asphyx - The Rack
Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Atrocity - Todessehnsucht (sometimes also called Longing for Death)

You're probably aware of most of these but worth a shot.
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@Vegard Pompey

Actually after having more of a think, these are somewhat similar to The Chasm:

Darkness Eternal - Misanthropic Annihilation - the one and only member was a live musician for The Chasm for a few years. Generally a bit more aggressive than The Chasm and heavier on the blasting but still some great use of melody.

Infinitum Obscure - Sub Atris Caelis
I like this band but I need to explore more of their stuff beyond this album and the demo Seeding Darkness. I've seen them referred to as a The Chasm rip off.

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Iced Earth - The Path I Choose, 2:28 - 3:10

Just fuckin awesome leads. Favorite Iced Earth moment I think (listening to the album again though and the next few songs all contain similarly great instrumental sections as well though).

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A couple of my favorite Atheist moments:

3:20 - 3:40. I don't know why, but every time I hear that I feel like I've been transported to the set of a Spaghetti Western, high noon and all, and it gives me chills. Sounds so damn cool.

My very favorite Atheist song and every second makes me cum, but two particular highlights. First, the ultra mega super grove from 2:25 to 2:45 that makes me boogie like a retard in my chair every time. Second, the guitar solos from 3:55 to the end, they're like Dave Murray on 1.5x speed, kinda shreddy and straight-forward for Atheist but I dunno, they sound so positive and just end things perfectly for me.
Also, that Saxon solo above sounded really good, I love it when metal solos have compelling riffage to play off of (Criss Oliva was a master at this but not too many others do it consistently). I think I've heard that Lionheart album at some point but definitely need to try it again, that sounded better than pretty much all the 80s Saxon I know.