Perfect Albums

Opeth - Morningrise
Blind Guardian - IFTOS
Fates Warning - Awaken the guardian
Riot - Thundersteel
Dare - Out of the silence
Survivor - Vital signs
Camel - "Moonmadness" and "Mirage"
Lost Horizon - Awakening the world
Judas Priest - "Painkiller" and "Defenders of the faith"
I love reading Tom's rants. :)
Anyway, most extreme metal tends to to be pretty oppressive, and can affect your mood, so it was easy for me to go with a heavy metal album. My definition of a perfect record is one that is thoroughly and utterly transfixing regardless of your state of mind.
I agree with the notion that perfect albums DO exist..and like god said, lets hear why people DON'T think they exist instead of calling us meatheads for believing they do exist
I think a perfect album is possible but hasn't been achieved yet. There's some albums like...oh I don't know, half of Pink Floyd's discography, where there's no actually visible flaws present, but there's the whole thing where I'm not jacking off to it 24/7, which seems like an imperfection to me..

Then there's albums that I enjoy immensely every listen but that have little things that could be better (Fas' drums for instance).

So yea, it's not inconceivable that someone could come along and make an album with no visible flaws and that I connect with so much personally, but no one's been so lucky yet.
Aesthetically, I don't think there can ever be such a thing as a perfect album, and the longer you're exposed to a piece of music, no matter how great you think it is, you'll start noticing flaws sooner or later. However,eventually, your long-term emotional attachment to an album can paint its imperfections endearing, its quirks deliberate and charming.
Darkbliss: the Israeli whose English brings tears to the eye
Randy Moss: the American whose English brings palm to the face

So here's my problem with believing in such a thing as a perfect album - what would the effect be? Would it have undeniable mass appeal? I mean, if it's perfect, can everyone appreciate its beauty, or does it have to be upheld to more esoteric standards? What emotions should it evoke - rage, sorrow, ecstasy, calm, excitement, or all of the above? And is it supposed to have the same impact on you no matter what mood you're in when you're listening to it?

I considered all the bands that everyone on this forum listens to, and couldn't think of a single album we all hold as our favorite. It's trendy from one end, outdated from another, poser on one end, true on the other, wanky on one end, accomplished on the other. We just can't agree on what makes an album good. Personal taste detracts from the possibility of perfection.
well i'm definitely not talking about some kind of objective perfection, just what sounds perfect to me, but i agree that this is a pretty tricky question. to me perfection is where you can't imagine adding anything or taking a single note away without having a detrimental effect upon the album's impact. and that's not to say that every moment must be orgasmic, because of course storms are made more intense by the calms before and whatnot. it's all about the thing having complete internal logic. but like i said before, sometimes the sense of a band overreaching and flailing at the edge of their abilities can actually be more thrilling than hearing something 'perfect' by my definition, so even then it's complicated.

back when i was in my mid-teens i didn't recognise flaws anywhere near as easily as i do now, i've developed a far more nuanced ear, and that makes me certain that it's gonna get harder and harder to find perfection with every year that passes.
For fuck's sake...this much discussion over what one thinks is a perfect album? I can name 10 albums off the top of my head that are absolutely perfect in my opinion. This is all based on opinion quit being fags and just accept the fact that there are albums you wouldn't change a single thing on instead of pretending to be more thoughtful than you really are. Ugh.

Smashing Pumpkins-Siamese Dreams
Katatonia-Tonight's Decision
Alice In Chains-s/t
Cradle of Filth-Cruelty And The Beast
Deicide-Once Upon The Cross
The Cure-Disentegration
Darkthrone-Under A Funeral Moon
Mother Love Bone-s/t
Well, I'm really not trying to overthink it...but really, Fas is one of my top 2 albums of all time and I think the drumming is badly produced (as does basically anyone with a brain). And considering I enjoy it more than Dark Side of the Moon, an album that I can't actually point out anything I'd change, I would say that makes DSotM imperfect since it loses to Fas which is imperfect. Therefore, I don't have a perfect album, not that hard.
For fuck's sake...this much discussion over what one thinks is a perfect album? I can name 10 albums off the top of my head that are absolutely perfect in my opinion. This is all based on opinion quit being fags and just accept the fact that there are albums you wouldn't change a single thing on instead of pretending to be more thoughtful than you really are. Ugh.

i can name 1 poster off the top of my head that is absolutely gay in my opinion.

1. divine_torture
i can name 1 poster off the top of my head that is absolutely gay in my opinion.

1. divine_torture

Why? Because I can say that I find an album is perfect without overthinking it for absolutely no reason? How much thought do you really need to put into this? Seriously, it's not that fucking important and the amount of time you are spending to say that it is is laughable. Just enjoy the god damn albums you enjoy and shut up, fag.

Also, fag.
I'm not even going to bother posting albums I find perfect(they're so perfect no one would understand) it's pointless
Only the person who can explain in depth what a "perfect album" is can actually state their claim, because they'll call everyone else's choices out :p