Perfect moments of music?


Inn I Slottet Fra Drömmen
Jan 28, 2006
Is there such thing than a perfect song? I don't know. Maybe a song cannot be perfect in its all lenght, but surely there are some solos, riffs, harmonies, singing parts or other stuff that can be called as perfect. What do you think that are such moments?
I think the following things are quite perfect.

Death - solo in Sacred Serenity around 2 minutes, freaking brutal and energetic and innovative solo which leads flawlessly to an incredible calm part.

In Flames - the main riff in Jotun. A simple but ingenious riff. Not a single note needs to be added on this one.

Pink Floyd - Shine on You Crazy Diamond part II. The theme riff around 4 mins is simple but brilliant. The way the theme develops from 4.00 to 6.30 is masterful.

Opeth - the final part in Black Rose Immortal. The mellow section which leads to the ultimate final growl is totally epic stuff. The outro is perfect as well.
i was thinking today that the middle part of weakling - this entire fucking battlefield was pretty much perfect (the organish guitar part then the waltzy riff)
NineFeetUnderground said:
why are we tearing down tupac? thy serpent has far less integrity.

Seriously though, I listen to alot of Tupac's music, my favorite rapper by far, and that song is my favorite from him. So I was making a little joke :) . I don't think I need you to tell me about 2pac's integrity :) Maybe I could tell you a thing or two about some good hip-hop though!

And what about Thy Serpent? They have nothing to do with that post. Although they are a good band, not like those oft mentioned folk/nu-black metal bands that you keep mentioning. :lol:
metal_wrath said:
Maybe I could tell you a thing or two about some good hip-hop though!

if tupac defines your taste in hiphop then you have no fucking clue. do shut up.
please realize that metal wrath is only trying to instigate here. no one can be as stupid as he seems to be.
beatles - a day in the life, the ahhhhhhhhhhh ah ah ahhhh part after paul's section

camel - air born, the cadence at around 4:05 followed by the vocals with the mellotron backing

beatles - something, guitar solo

beatles - the end, "and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" until the end
illidurit said:
beatles - a day in the life, the ahhhhhhhhhhh ah ah ahhhh part after paul's section

camel - air born, the cadence at around 4:05 followed by the vocals with the mellotron backing

beatles - something, guitar solo

beatles - the end, "and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" until the end
Opeth - The Baying Of The Hounds, the metal orgasm part after the soft interlude with "beneath the mire".
dimitri shostakovich - violin concerto no.1 in a minor op. 77 (revised as Op. 99): III Passacaglia: Andante - Candenza
the lengthy (3 min, i think) cadenza linking the third movement to the last
(dimitri sitkovetsky performs this superbly on his recording with bbc symphony orchestra directed by andrew davis)

bela bartok - piano concerto no.2 in G major, Sz. 95, BB 101:
II. Adagio - Piu adagio - Presto
the middle of the movement when you hear only the piano, the timpani and a clarinet
(geza anda's famous recording of this concerto with ferenc fricsay conducting radio-symphonie orchester berlin is my favorite)

gustav mahler - symphony no.1: IV. Sturmisch bewegt
especially the last 4-5 minutes is electrifying
(there are many good recordings of mahler's first. a good one is georg solti conducting london symphony orchestra. an even better one is rafael kubelik conducting the bavarian radio symphony orchestra)