Personal questions thread.

David Cross.

Why do people care that Britney Spears shaved her head so much?
Because she's going nuts and we all think it's goddamned funny. "I'm tired of people touching me!"

Why do people care about Anna Nicole so much?
Preaching abstinence until you're blue in the face won't stop kids from fucking. You have to teach proper protection and planning, as a safeguard, as well as abstinence if you wish.

Did you ever take the abstinence talk in Sex Ed seriously?
It was the only talk you get in utah, it is illegal to discuss condoms in the class here... But no, I never took it even remotely seriously, obviously.

Windir or Vreid?
rep doesn't really hurt. i just kind of get amused at messages i'm left.

should karmic be a video game designer?
(but what he does is just threaten people with a giant swedish axe until they design games he tells them to)