Personal questions thread.

i was apparently related to iron maiden, "eddie" was my real life cousin, my entire family was doing lines and injecting heroin, and this girl i know who would never actually fuck me was wearing a red dress trying to get me to fuck me, all while purple haze was playing.

hitler or stalin?
i would also go for stalin...although im perfect hitlers army material :p , blond hair, blue eyes, i just hate most germans and hitler is one of them

and for some reason i dont hate russia at all they just fucked up in economics

whats the color of your underwear?
Probably Randy Rhoads. Or maybe Layne Staley. No, John Bonham would be worth it..or Bon Scott...

Actually, bugger the above, I'd just love to see the look on Cliff's face when he hears St. Anger lololol.

Are you any good at lighting fires?

yesh especially for sigarets

what kind of porn do you watch?
he killed more people than Hitler ever dreamed of killing. gotta learn more history
Stalin let the majority of his people starve and killed a vast amount of political and criminal prisoners, Hitler just wanted to take over the world and get rid of every single person who wasnt Ayrian. While they both had mental health issues, Hitler wins in the craziness dept.
emo haircut, but then shave it off after showing it to whoever made me do it.

Having sex with a fat chick, or having sex with an anorexic chick?