Personal questions thread.

Honestly, I have no idea who the headliners will be, don't care either. Goin.
My Favorite Dub Buk is Idu Na Wy!
Haven't actually heard a full Lucifugum album.

Diadem of 12 Stars or Two Hunters?
Yes they are.
(To Laura: Yes, it does.)

I khav want Easter Candy, you give? Photos of your boobies work too.

Right, personal... hrm. Do you like showing people your boobies? Answer both if you want.
I am eating peanut butter in spite of recent problems. Does this make me Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker?
YOURFACELOLOLOLOL... I don't think of anything tbh, just relief after the payload has been delivered.

Who else is sick with a cold/cough right now? Everyone I know is sick right now, even people who call in from all over the USA are sick. EPIDEMIC!
I'm not sick now, but I had the runny ass disease a few weeks ago. I'll bet someone slipped peanut butter in my food! :lol:

Mayo, or Miracle whip? Which type do you prefer? This is an important question!