pet-peeves GO!


Sep 21, 2006
list your pet-peeves, specifically in the studio (but not limited to)

1. anyone touching my chair while i'm sitting in it, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. people who listen to you or read something you wrote talking about production and responding as if the whole thing was about mixing instead... yes there are still people who have no clue that there's a difference.
3. closed minded people
4. feet on any of my gear, YOU ARE A MUSICIAN, YOU ARE DIRTY, GTFO
5. complaining while you're at my house, look man, you're a scumbag on a label with a free ride to continue being a scumbag for years to come. this is an all paid vacation for you because you suck at your instrument, stop complaining
6. short attention spans, ADD, and OCD towards being occupied or aka "always bored", this pisses me off to no end. no one needs to be 500% entertained times a thousand every millisecond. chill the fuck out. yes its connersville indiana, the middle of no where. we get it, its SO LAME. i hope a fan stabs you at a show because you took an oppurtunity they would kill to have for granted!


7. feet in general
8. when people ask me if i want to start recording at an earlier time than what i had previously stated. NO! I SAID NOON. I SAY WHAT I MEAN!! THIS ISNT A GAME!

9. Cellphones, everything about them.

10. finally, everyone that ever thought recording a cd without any material, or not knowing any of the material was a good idea. because its the worst idea.
1. anyone touching my chair while i'm sitting in it, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. feet in general

Fuck shit with the chair, I hate it when someone move the feet to the beat and strokes my chair every now and then.

Feets are disgusting in general.

Ah, and if clients stink.
A band with 6 members and 3 of them smelled soo bad that I wanna vomit all the time... And it was winter...
5. complaining while you're at my house, look man, you're a scumbag on a label with a free ride to continue being a scumbag for years to come. this is an all paid vacation for you because you suck at your instrument, stop complaining
6. short attention spans, ADD, and OCD towards being occupied or aka "always bored", this pisses me off to no end. no one needs to be 500% entertained times a thousand every millisecond. chill the fuck out. yes its connersville indiana, the middle of no where. we get it, its SO LAME. i hope a fan stabs you at a show because you took an oppurtunity they would kill to have for granted!

This. Or when someone tries to act like he knows more than you and say stuff like: "Ya know dude, you should get PSP Mixsaturator, theres a preset there that makes guitars sound fuckin phat, I got it through them torrents" Ok, great, stfu before I punch you in the throat.
1. Drummer hitting on the drums when I'm setting up the mics. Seriously, what the fuck. All it takes is one heavy snare hit when my ear is close enough and that's it, game over for me. This is probably the only thing that can actually get me really pissed off in a session, at least if it happens again after I tell the drummer not to do so again.
2. Musicians not paying attention to what's going on tracking-wise especially when one of the band members is struggling with his parts. I know it feels cool to be in a studio, but they could even pretend to be interested in their music.
3. Musicians who won't listen to me when it comes to little details about tracking, such as what gear to use etc. I always, ALWAYS state my points as politely as possible and always make sure to explain the reasons behind my recommendations, but at times they're just too stubborn.
1. Drummer hitting on the drums when I'm setting up the mics. Seriously, what the fuck. All it takes is one heavy snare hit when my ear is close enough and that's it, game over for me. This is probably the only thing that can actually get me really pissed off in a session, at least if it happens again after I tell the drummer not to do so again.
2. Musicians not paying attention to what's going on tracking-wise especially when one of the band members is struggling with his parts. I know it feels cool to be in a studio, but they could even pretend to be interested in their music.
3. Musicians who won't listen to me when it comes to little details about tracking, such as what gear to use etc. I always, ALWAYS state my points as politely as possible and always make sure to explain the reasons behind my recommendations, but at times they're just too stubborn.

1: this is my new number 1, but fortunately i tell drummers that if they do it i will cancel the day, paid. so no one ever does it anymore.

2 & 3: huge +1

This. Or when someone tries to act like he knows more than you and say stuff like: "Ya know dude, you should get PSP Mixsaturator, theres a preset there that makes guitars sound fuckin phat, I got it through them torrents" Ok, great, stfu before I punch you in the throat.

+1:you're so right. FUCK.
1: this is my new number 1, but fortunately i tell drummers that if they do it i will cancel the day, paid. so no one ever does it anymore..

The last time this happened (second time in that session) I told them it's fifty bucks per drum hit from now on, and made it clear I'm not joking. That ended it, but I think I should have small, stupid things like this in a contract :/

This. Or when someone tries to act like he knows more than you and say stuff like: "Ya know dude, you should get PSP Mixsaturator, theres a preset there that makes guitars sound fuckin phat, I got it through them torrents" Ok, great, stfu before I punch you in the throat.

This. I'm always open for suggestions, and I'm actually kinda glad if the band wants to try and bring something to the table mixing-wise because that shows they care, but unfortunately the tone is usually arrogant as fuck, sometimes even straight-forward hostile. It's not like I'm telling them "yeah, you should really ditch that piece of shit amp your family got you as a present and learn to play, that's what I did." Not cool.
Yeah, thats the thing, its the attitude they pose when they say those things, it just pisses me off so much, that particular one was even showing their pre-production stuff that sounded like shit and trying to force me to make it sound like it was, they wanted that guitar tone which was through guitar rig1 or some shit like that, seriously, I do appreciate when band members get interested in helping mix-wise and are actually helpfull and constructive even if they dont know much about the matter, but coming of as an arrogant bellend just really pisses me off to a point I have to get everyone out of the control room while Im mixing and only keep one or 2 in there QUIET without talking.

Oh yeah, thats another thing I fucking hate, when Im mixing and the whole band is there telling fart jokes, laughing out loud and playing porn and incest videos on their laptops, WHILE IM FUCKING MIXING, jesus fucking idiots cant you understand I CANT HEAR SHIT with people talking! seriously.... thanks joey for creating this thread to allow us to rant lool
Oh, and the friend who knows about audio engineering... GTFO

A HUGE +1 to this. I love it when a random dude comes to hang out on the last day of tracking and tells me how I should have done my job, usually not really making any sense at all and refuses to understand what he hears is the raw tracks. You aren't paying for this, you don't play on the album, why don't you just get the fuck out and offer your services (a cracked copy of Cubase and a pair of iPod earbuds) the next time the band is doing a release.

thanks joey for creating this thread to allow us to rant lool

I very seldom rant about these things, since I don't want to get into a situation where the band asks me if I was going on about them. All these pet-peeves aren't usually that big of a deal and they only get me upset for a moment, so it's nothing I want to make a big deal about, but even I have to be able to vent every now and then. It's therapeutic :)
Haha the last studio my band recorded at had the opposite problem , the AE had his girlfriend there ALL THE TIME while we are tryin to record just sitting there watching. GTFO

Also he had a studio "helper" dude who kept offering terrible suggestions. Even the AE told him to GTFO haha
YES, cellphones.
I don't even own one. They just piss me off.
You are talking to someone, and then it rings and they cut you off mid sentence to answer the fucking call..........makes me feel like this :


Throw your goddamn cellphone in the lake, where it belongs you fucking cunt.
I wanna be able to talk and socialize with people in the real world, not watch them socialize with some cunt over the other end of the line.
"musicians" in general, but hitting the snare while you're micing it up is most definitely #1 (happened just yesterday), biggest dickhead move ever.