pet-peeves GO!

yeah, this is what i was referring to when i said cellphones.

the ipad is no different. some of my clients already have them, and are browsing the web, watching videos (ipads are actually pretty loud!) and all kinds of non-sense while tracking. sometimes for fun i turn my wifi off, haha. and then there's poor service out here so without service AND wifi, they start to focus a bit...

but sometimes focus will just shift to "WHY IS MY SHIT NOT WORKING!"

Yeah me and Cj have a lock on our wi-fi and usually don't give any of the bands our code lol. But there is just so much ps3 a band can take before they start bothering you every five second's
I hate it when your in the middle of the tracking guitars and the guitarist goes "WO WO WO no dude thats wrong!, why do we do this breakdown for so long? Thats not how we usually play it!", I Respond " because thats what your drummer and your other guitarist played when you were too busy with your girlfriend to come to the drum tracking", He then says "Well, do you think we can just recut the drums?".....GTFO
YES, cellphones.
I don't even own one. They just piss me off.
You are talking to someone, and then it rings and they cut you off mid sentence to answer the fucking call..........makes me feel like this :


Throw your goddamn cellphone in the lake, where it belongs you fucking cunt.
I wanna be able to talk and socialize with people in the real world, not watch them socialize with some cunt over the other end of the line.

+100 Billion for me. I utterly hate those vile contraptions and what they've done to society.
When a guitarist asks for delay whilst tracking a solo. Firstly, it's probably going to put you off, and secondly, whenever I open up a delay plugin and they're playing, they ALWAYS go, "woooah not that much!", well yeah obviously, I literally just opened the plugin... Give me 10 seconds to actually change some of the parameters...

When we get halfway through a song, and suddenly "this section is at the wrong tempo" or "this section is too short/long", we've been here for 5 hours! Surely you should have noticed this before now!

When people don't understand what a drum trigger is, and for some reason, seem to think that it's a way of "cheating". I literally can't cout the amount of people who I've mentioned the word trigger to, and them think I was talking about something that plays extra drum hits for you to make you sound faster, like that would even be physically fucking possible.

People that can't take criticism over their shoddy performances, and get angry if I suggest doing things again when they think a take is good enough, even though it clearly sounds like shit.

The fact that hardly anyone ever knows their parts properly.

PEOPLE ASKING ME HOW MUCH I PAID FOR EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT THAT I OWN! I don't remember oddly enough, maybe I should keep fucking receipts?

People who play my Xbox, or watch my DVDs, and then don't put them back in the correct (alphabetical) order.

Excessive shouting/swearing while I'm trying to actually work.

When people don't finish tracking their stuff in the the time that they've booked up, who later book up more time and expect to just return and take as long as they like and then at the end of the day say:
"Today was included in the price for last time right?"
"We don't have any more money"
"Well then I don't have any more time to send you your tracks, get out of my house."

People slamming my doors.

People pushing or fighting around me/my equipment.

People who have massive arguments, fucking STRESS!

People who despite being told lots of times, don't take their shoes off on my new fucking carpet.

Everyone else.
Where to begin....

-When people show up early. Seems stupid, but if I say be here at noon and you call me at 11am wondering why the studio isn't open yet, I instantly hate you.

-When people cut me off/talk over me. I'll be trying to explain something to someone, and either them or someone else will start talking about something completely different. I find there's more people who do this in studios then in any other place on earth.

-The argument of "why can't I use my own gear?". Guy plays in a metal band and he's rocking a fender twin reverb and a samick guitar......urgh

-The click is moving. Seriously how retarded are you. People seem to think tha tthe computer must be fucking up cause they couldn't possibly actually suck and not have realized it till now.

-This ones funny. About a year ago I had a band come in to track some guitars. The guitar player actually brought me printed out pages from this forum about how to track metal guitars. I'm not sure if he's actually a member or just googled it all, but I almost exploded. "have you ever tried the c4 on the know to control them?" "maybe we should try revalver instead of your actual 5150 and mesa cab" "you HP at 60 and 13.5k right?".....shit was hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time.
2. guitar players while preparing for tracking saying : i dont want your axe fx sound, i wanna hear MY AMP... no digital amp modellers please.


Just been talking to a guy about tracking his band and he said exactly that! because he has a laney amp that sounds too tight and won't need a ts!

if its anything like this:


I will eat his face.
I'll go back and read the thread but mine are as fallows:

1. Taking epic dump, clogging toilet and not saying/ doing anything about it.
2. Drinks on the amps.
3. Turning on a guitar amp to twiddle dick around with out asking, and the head isn't loaded (the one and only time I told him in quite a stern manner never to touch my things again).
4. Drum hits while I'm setting up mics, in fact. Having them just SIT at the kit annoys me.
5. Bored extra people in the studio, they contribute nothing to the process and usually tend to slow things WAAAAY down.
6. A.D.D. My brother has it bad, and I have to be in the right mood to deal with that kind of shit.
7. Talking while I'm trying to listen. I'll keep replaying the passage till they get the idea to shut the fuck up. :lol:
8. Tapping my shoulder to get my attention, for some reason it makes me RAGE.
9. 19 year olds with out a clue how to arrange a good song and want to layer FUCK loads of stupid bullshit that in the end makes for a junk song.
10. Close minded butt holes.
11. Anyone who cancels less than 24 hours a head of time and thinks it's not big deal. I cut business with one band for doing it.
12. Anyone who wants a "deal." The nice thing is I don't rely on this shit so it's easy to just say "nope."
13. Anyone who touches my chair (:lol: Joey I so know what you mean.)
14. Anyone who shows up and doesn't know their own arrangement. Then we get done with guitars and they go "oh shit, we didn't go long enough on the verse!"
15. Anyone with more than 5 years of experience who doesn't know what a click track or metronome is and doesn't like playing to one (so pretty much everyone).
16. Anyone who shows up more than 15 mins late or early. FFFFFUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
17. Anyone with the attitude that the take was "ok" when it was clearly "shit" they listen and bring up the fact later.
18. Guitars that are not FUCKING INTONATED OR SET THE FUCK UP!
19. Old strings.
20. Old heads.
21. FUCKING CELL PHONES!!!!! It's always the fucking singer too. Right in the middle of singing his shit I hear some shitty band playing through a junk cell phone speaker. I FUCKING HATE THEM.
22. Bands that don't pick up their own garbage when I have a garbage can sitting RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING DESK.
-When people cut me off/talk over me. I'll be trying to explain something to someone, and either them or someone else will start talking about something completely different. I find there's more people who do this in studios then in any other place on earth.

SERIOUSLY!!! I fucking hate this more than anything , it's like the rudest thing ever and I just want to dropkick anyone who does it , including my own mother and girlfriend
2. guitar players while preparing for tracking saying : i dont want your axe fx sound, i wanna hear MY AMP... no digital amp modellers please.
((although we discussed that topic when they hired me.....))

I know most of the time it's players that show up with crappy amps that say shit like this. But would you really still have this attitude if I showed up with a mesa DR and 5150?
I know most of the time it's players that show up with crappy amps that say shit like this. But would you really still have this attitude if I showed up with a mesa DR and 5150?

I would! You'd still have to track through my PODxt Pro :lol:
fuck... this make me think about why we love this job haha. i mean...all the stuff you guys mentioned above are the way that this is day by day and we HAVE to tolerate them. musicians need to be more disciplined these days >.> ....
-The click is moving. Seriously how retarded are you. People seem to think that the computer must be fucking up cause they couldn't possibly actually suck and not have realized it till now.

+1, this made me lol

also, when drummers COMPLETELY ignore the click, I don't even understand how they do it
3. Turning on a guitar amp to twiddle dick around with out asking, and the head isn't loaded (the one and only time I told him in quite a stern manner never to touch my things again).

Yup. I also hate it when a player finishes his parts and leaves the room without even switching my amp on standby and I notice it two hours later or in the worst case, at the end of the day. Not a biggie, but I take ridiculously good care of my equipment and shit like this can irritate me.

4. Drum hits while I'm setting up mics, in fact. Having them just SIT at the kit annoys me.

Well, the fact that they're just sitting there means they can at any moment bang on the snare or china without a warning. The way I usually try to do it is have the drummer set up his kit, have him take a break while I mic it and then come back with me to see if any of the mics are on his way, when I can back off until he's finished. Sometimes if I have a drummer that's just so eager it's nearly impossible to get him stop playing and fooling around while I'm setting up, I just let him go at it, have a smoke (or five), grab something to eat or do other preparations in the control room. At one point or another they always notice nothing is happening and quickly trace the problem to it's origins (the manic drummer) and the immediate consequences (they're losing time and thus money). This is hardly ever a problem with older dudes, though.

11. Anyone who cancels less than 24 hours a head of time and thinks it's not big deal. I cut business with one band for doing it.

Last-minute cancels are non-refundable. You've booked time so probably no-one else is coming in with such a short warning, so it's money away from you. Someone has to pay for it.

14. Anyone who shows up and doesn't know their own arrangement. Then we get done with guitars and they go "oh shit, we didn't go long enough on the verse!"

I hate it. The time spent in the tracking room cutting and pasting song parts, figuring out the arrangements and the band arguing about who screwed their part costs money and is counter-productive and leaves everyone in a crap mood. This should take place at rehearsals, not in the studio.

I recently had a band coming in with a laptop and GuitarPro files of all their songs. Whenever someone wasn't sure of their part, it was just a matter of having a glance at the tabs and getting back to it. Really young dudes, but SUPER well prepared. I loved working with them.

17. Anyone with the attitude that the take was "ok" when it was clearly "shit" they listen and bring up the fact later.

This, too. The time is usually very limited, so if the band feels a take was good enough, that's what we have to settle with. Then, a couple days later everyone suddenly wants to know why the guitars aren't über tight. I know it isn't right and I should step up, but again, the schedule seldom lets me.
fuck... this make me think about why we love this job haha. i mean...all the stuff you guys mentioned above are the way that this is day by day and we HAVE to tolerate them. musicians need to be more disciplined these days >.> ....

Nah. I love it because often you get to work with really cool people and have fun work with them. I don't get that frustrated if the performances aren't that tight or if the drummer has a less-than-stellar drum kit if the session has a good mojo and everyone's in a good mood. It's slowly starting to come to me that being an engineer is just partly about music, audio technology and all that, and mostly it's about dealing with people, knowing what to say and how to say it and how to keep up a good atmosphere.
When a guitarist asks for delay whilst tracking a solo. Firstly, it's probably going to put you off, and secondly, whenever I open up a delay plugin and they're playing, they ALWAYS go, "woooah not that much!", well yeah obviously, I literally just opened the plugin... Give me 10 seconds to actually change some of the parameters...

:lol: :lol:
I come across that pretty often.
1. When people ask me "What are you doing?" every 10 seconds. Recording your band, motherfucker!

2. Guitar players who ask for more gain so they can play better. LOL

3. People who pay wayyy too much attention to my screens. I'll have time selected auto punch enabled and I'll be recording outside of the time selection and they'll stop playing their instruments and say "it's not recording".