pet-peeves GO!

3. People who pay wayyy too much attention to my screens. I'll have time selected auto punch enabled and I'll be recording outside of the time selection and they'll stop playing their instruments and say "it's not recording".


I've actually had a similar thing happen to me. I was recording a guitarist with "punch in" enabled and I had set the marker slightly before the point where he should actually start playing. I had the click enabled so he'll know when to start but he ignored it, kept staring at the screen, and started playing when when the cursor hit the marker :yell:.
11. Anyone who cancels less than 24 hours a head of time and thinks it's not big deal. I cut business with one band for doing it.

This. We were supposed to start tracking our band's EP tomorrow, but our drummer notified yesterday that he can't make it. FUCK. THIS.

That, and the whole band has been all about "whenarewegonnarecordwhenarewegonnarecordwhenarewegonnarecord" for this whole year, even though we weren't (and if you ask me, still aren't) tight enough and the songs would still change at every second rehearsals. That, and since I'm a member of the band, I don't get paid or anything. All the trouble I went through for nothing. I understand that the drummer does have stuff he needs to take care of badly so I don't blame him, but it still pisses me off quite a bit.

Well, I canceled the reservation for the studio for tomorrow, and on thursday I'm gonna go experiment with some new drum micing techniques I've been thinking about trying but never had the time. Also probably gonna record some drums for my solo stuff.
Having to operate around other "audio engineers" who cannot stop asking me why I do certain things. Yes I am aware I am taking a DI of the guitars, yes I am aware that I have the guitar player playing in the control room, stop fucking asking me about it you dipshit.

Band members who dont understand the time investment I have to put in to get their songs sounding polished and who seem to think a song can get edited and mixed properly in an hour.

Bands who think I should operate on the kindness of my heart because they have chosen me for the glory of mixing their epic masterpieces (read: disasters).

Other band members who insist on being there all the time, wont be fobbed off to do something else easily and question my judgement constantly. Not helpful.

Anyone who phones me up at unreasonable hours of the day and expects things to be done.

Vocalists who want to rely on autotune.
1. Having guys sit in front of the monitors, criticizing their performance just for the sake of taking up time, after everything has been printed and agreed on.
2. Band members talking on phones or noodling on other instruments while I'm tracking someone in the same control room (seriously, who the fuck ever thinks this is a good idea).
3. People talking at me about irrelevant shit as I'm focusing on a take during tracking.
4. Having shit cascade through the recording process (supervised by the band) which only leaves more and more of it to pile up, until the original time scheduled for mixing now includes tracking, editing & mixing work altogether.
This. And also bassists that wanna hear their instrumments as if the mix was all about the bass.

People that say things like this, as if the bass frequencies aren't as valid a component as a piece of music than the rest of the cacophonous bullshit that constitutes metal these days.

Oh, I thought of another one that I run into on nearly every single project. People that literally have NO idea whatsoever what the term "mastering" actually entails, but still use it to describe: tracking, mixing, editing, timing adjustments or whatever the fuck else they want it to be.

Especially as I always send bands a very rough mix of the song as soon as they've finished so that they can listen through and pick out any major faults with things, which is usually just however the song sounds directly after we've finished tracking, and they put it up on myspace as an "un-mastered version". Get fucked.
People that literally have NO idea whatsoever what the term "mastering" actually entails, but still use it to describe: tracking, mixing, editing, timing adjustments or whatever the fuck else they want it to be.

DUDE. YES! I hate this shit! Or how about people who think "protools" is a process, not a tool.
1. Having guys sit in front of the monitors, criticizing their performance just for the sake of taking up time, after everything has been printed and agreed on.

+1 to the max.

Sort of the same thing but...

-People asking "we can still make changes right?" after I'm on my 3rd or 4th stem/alt mix. Seriously drives me insane....I always say before I print the main mix "ok so everyone's good right? no last minute things?" then I start printing and sure enough sooner or later the bassist (stereotyping but it usually is) will say "can we raise the bass?" or "that part isn't loud enough". Problem is he wasn't paying attention when the rest of the band was listening to the final pass before printing.
Great thread, guys! There are some real gems here. Most of what I'd say has already been covered (especially the drummer hitting while setting up mics bit) but I'll try to add a few:

1) Guitar players who get stoned while arranging tempo maps with me, then wait until after the drums have been tracked to bitch about a missing eighth note at the end of their fill.
Them: "It doesn't fit anymore!"
Me: "Why didn't you bring this up when we laid down the tempo maps?"
Them: Silence.

2) People who don't flush. For fuck's sake, I'm an audio engineer, not a sanitation engineer, you fucking cunt! Pull the fucking lever, moron!

3) Musicians who don't know their parts. There's a difference between trying for an 'inspired improvisation' and 'not knowing the fucking song.' If you haven't learned the material, why the fuck are you in the studio? Does it not make sense to capture something amazing, rather than blunder your way through a session?

4) Girlfriends/hangers on. There's a reason there is no big, comfy couch in my studio & only limited seating. If you're a girlfriend/useless person, you're spending the day sitting on the floor. (they never, EVER, come back after that. :heh::heh::heh:)

5) Drummers who can't be bothered to measure their tom sizes & give me false info so I buy the wrong size skins & we're screwed on tracking day.

.....I could probably write a doctorate thesis on the subject of drummers and how they should be stomped out of existence in the known universe, but that's for another thread.

Band members girlfriends. They're always looking bored
Stinky band members. Dont you have a shower at home?
I hate when i schedule something at 2pm, the band agrees, comes 4pm and then complains there's no time to do anything. It may seem unprofessional for being upset with the band, but such things always happens (band late, arrangement not ready, per-song price...)...So THAT.