Well, they`re definitely both great players. Technically, Romeo is more proficient, due to him not always seeming to be limited to alternate picking when playing fast(although he can do it, and when he does, it sure sounds scary...)
There are, in fact a few things which makes me choose Romeo as my absolute favourite:
- He is MUCH better at improvising...(Solo spot in LOTEOF vs. John`s olo spot in Live in New York)
- He doesn`t create solos consisting of fast alternate picking 99% of the time (As I Am solo comes to mind).
- He is IMO the better composer, and does not seemingly build song structures based on containing too many odd time signatures for the sake of it(Well, Dance of Eternity for example)
- He is a better live guitarist than JP(LOTEOF vs. LINY).
- The Odyssey(

) is a FAR FAR better album than TOT(

Of course some of these lines are based on my opinion, but there are also some facts.
Besides having sick technique (Awfully good string skipping, sweep-tapping etc), Romeo is also a very melodic player...
Arghh, I did`nt feel the need to reply to these threads..
I hope I won`t have to write this again in another thread in three days though
