Piano/Strings Ballad, take 2 (Plec master)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

This is a track I posted a few weeks ago in its unmastered state. Well, here is the final version that's going on the CD. Plec tightened it up and gave it a bit more life. Lots of Nebula going on in the mix.

A few notes from last time:

  • Some guys mentioned the piano sounds a bit fake for them. I agree! I only mixed it though and didn't have the opportunity to change the VSTi patches.
  • Some people mentioned the vocals are a bit too low for them. I can see how that would be the case, but it was a conscious decision to keep them more subdued and at times nearly buried. The lead vocal level is volume-ridden the whole way through in free time.
  • The Millennia died on me a few days before this was mixed, so I had to change the lead vocal sound in the last moment. Lost about 20% quality there sadly (compared to the radio-rock track I posted recently from the same artist).
  • Some folks also mentioned it was dark for them, but believe it or not this was also intentional!
  • The only 'real' instruments are the vocals, lead guitar and the fretless bass.


Hope you dig!

PS. You can find the artist here: http://www.myspace.com/memnoir
It sounds good/better!. The orcestra panning sounds all most mono to me!? did you get them as a stereo track or did you have the oppotunity pan them yourself!?.
Sounds great man, other than the aforementioned vocal level (dunno if thats just because you've pointed it out) but anyway, sadly this track has nothing on the "Million Dollar Question", that was a true masterpiece. :D
Cool guys, glad you seem to generally be liking it.

With the panning, I got most of the stuff as stereo files. Sounds pretty stereo to me. Perhaps you were listening in mono?

Haha and yes, thanks for bringing that track back to mind Owen... I didn't have enough therapy trying to forget the process already :lol:

Just FYI, this CD is out and can be streamed in full/bought here: http://www.memnoir.com/store/canto1.html