Pick Up Lines????

Originally posted by The Trooper
Hahaha it is what older brothers are for, but I may be too busy myself with some of those great lines lol.

What sort of brother are you then?

She needs someone to shake the niavity out of here and stand up and make those boys out there treat her with the respect only a femme fatal or vixen should be treated!:lol:
Originally posted by Spiff
Have you ever tripped over a tree branch? No? How about a root?

:lol: :lol:

This reminds me of when one of my friends moved here from the states I told him the best way to pick up an Aussie chick was to say to her "How's about a root in a dunny?"
He believed me and said it to a girl she just looked at him and said "your not from around here are you!" and shook her head and walked away. however it wrkd on the next girl to my s'prise but the next day could any of us give her the hint to go home until I turned around and said look Steve we must go do the shopping NOW as we have to much else to do today. she got the hint and promptly left.
Very funny situation.:lol: