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@aegis: well tastes tastes! I don't like that much that type architecture. That's the reason I didn't like (and seemed the only one) Paris. Instead I love nearly everything of Florencia (firenze??) and many places in Italy and Spain, we don't get that "straight and stiff" look on our buildings. And yeap I agree, Gaudí seemed a mushroom lover, but I guess that's what it makes it so magical, finding shapes that nobody thought off when talking about architecture!!!

@mel~well just come here! you're welcome :D

@vulture I loved Cologne, it's my Germany's fave with Hamburg
@vulture awesome pics man. That night picture is friggen beautiful. The two buildings are also amazing, damn Europe and their original architectural structures :(
yeap final, this awesome when you come to think on that....we have building (and far from ruins!!!!) that are more than 1800 years old!!! Made with these big stones and lifted up and well it's just amazing!!!!
Nearly all cathedrals were made before or at the same time that white men discovered (could never think of a stupidest way to name the found of America) the american continent!
a lot of normal houses here are older than USA as a country itself :p
totally agree, youd be sick if you saw the arcitectural designs of the housing area I live in.............I have the same exact model of my house two doors down :lol:
oh! really???????
I must go and see by myself one day!
I guess it's awesome, I studied a lot of the ancient greek art, just got amazed on how they used downhills to make the terraces for the theaters!!! :spin:
and the parthenon itself must be breathtaking!
Gees, i hadn't seen your post.. :rolleyes:
Are you messing with my mind? :p

You are welcome to see for yourself anytime :)
one day, one day!
I want to see Samos for myself and rest in it's beaches. I don't like the beach as normally ppl do, I don't like being sunbathed much, but the concept of a lonely beach just gets me on the best of the moods!
Gosh, I have to go to sleep and this is a useless post, but I can't forget this most beautiful lonely beach I once saw at an Ionian island. Quite isolated, it was getting dark, and I got too scared to go... :cry:
Hope I find it again some day :cry:
well I go to sleep too....in no more than 5 hours I gotta wake up!
hope you find that too XDDDDD

fathervic (the more late it is the more stupid he gets!)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
and the more you talk about mustang on icq :lol:

A Mustang? That classic and famous car?! You never told me you've a Mustang Melon, it could be funny to see you driving it.

|ngenius (the stupid poster of the year)
no, not the car but the horse....
we were talking about the fact that Final_Vision owned three of these horses (without wheels though) and how he made mustard out of them, or ate them with mustard....can't remember

fathervic (second in the charts)
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