Picture Thread

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i dont have a mustasche but phyros does, who knows what fathervic looks like, for all wbe know hes a floating half of a human head, with a tint of baby blue.

But if you MUST asche asche somewhere else because its not wanted here!
do you just have "20 vision" and not "20/20". Also, what do you eat, if at all? Rare you find a floating quarter of a head that types!
hey, this is the picture thread! and i just got my shiny new digicam and therefore have to expose some of my just photographed things:

this is from where i reach you


and this is my drum shrine where i collect various important drum kit remains.

1. the two cymbals i smashed during my career
2. my first pair of sticks


and you werent even nice enough to put one of my posts on the computer screen.........im disbanding the VultureCulture fan club........:bah:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
and you werent even nice enough to put one of my posts on the computer screen.........im disbanding the VultureCulture fan club........:bah:

Yes, he has phyre's and FatherVic's posts on the screen, but not ours... : ( It's just because they are popular and we are not (especially me)...

I feel so unloved and neglected now... I am going to the forest to live with the ravens and bats... Humans are mean to me. :waah:

:lol: Just kidding... as if anyone would take that seriously... :)
hey speak for yourself! People always make a big deal when I go to new boards, they make a big thread that sais "WELCOME GOD" and I just wave my hand and they go away, it rules!


ok they dont............:cry:
I guess it is only me that is unloved. :grin: Except I once had my own stalker for a little while on this other forum.

I have a picture... not of me, but of the river valley at night in Edmonton. The pyramids are an indoor garden.


beautiful.............I love night pictures! They always make everything seem so bright and perdy :grin:

Those pyramids are on my geometry book :lol:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
beautiful.............I love night pictures! They always make everything seem so bright and perdy :grin:

Those pyramids are on my geometry book :lol:

I never knew the pyramids were so famous... :lol: I also heard they were in Creed's new CD... Creed. eww.

The night is beautiful. It may make even the ugliest places look pretty. The city does look much better at night.
Originally posted by mousewings
I guess it is only me that is unloved. :grin: Except I once had my own stalker for a little while on this other forum.

i've even had a stalker in real life, but that didn't make me feel that loved, after all. i have this weird idea that when it comes to loving feeling lunatics really don't count. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin

i've even had a stalker in real life, but that didn't make me feel that loved, after all. i have this weird idea that when it comes to loving feeling lunatics really don't count. ;)


Wow! That is freaky. How did you get rid of the person? I hope it was successful.

As for love and unstable people, I believe it depends on the degree of mental illness of the individual. Some people would consider me unstable, but I do feel I am able to love, think, and function somewhat normally. ;) Although that person was a total sicko, and was probably totally unstable.

The dmbml (now the bridge) stalker wasn't that bad. The misanthropic guy just kept on commenting after my posts a few times... He later got bored of it and stopped. Probably as I did not say anything worth commenting on for a long time.
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