Picture Thread

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It's great to see you, Mel. You're a nice girl, so maybe I'll offer you my candidacy as a husband :grin: . But I'm afraid, 'cos there are many men waiting for you, and I don't like the hard competitions.
seems a lot of marriage lines are piling up, how do you handle it all Villain, and where do you put all the heads? If you need an assitance dont hesitate to ask, im pretty well versed in the art of swiss army knife combat!
ohh fixed my digi camera so I think ill post a few images :grin:

This would be my dog, shes 1/4 alaskan husky and 3/4 wolf. Shes like.......6 I think........thats like.........42 in dog years or something, maybe 4000..........


those are 4 posts in a row....now THAT's cheating XDDDDDD
and oh! yeah, you looked like a ghost! (couldn't see the chains though ;) )
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Ohh 3 posts in same thread, for shame..........:grin:

Uh this would be my comp, seems im the first computer pic with a somewhat clean set up? :lol:

hey that's my avatar on the screen!
A picture thread huh?

Oh well...since metal related people are acustomed to seeing pictures of monsters, demons and such I shall post my own pic soon, and I don´t think anybody will get scared this time :rolleyes: .
well I know I posted similar pictures.....but those were horrible taken from a dirty website...this ones were taken by myself a loong time ago, and I found them searching for other photos actually!




sorry if they did took too much to load, but since I was posting four, I didn't attach them...since I'm just allowed to attach one or make 4 nonesense posts (ehmmmm)
i really dislike that kind of architecture ...
really seems like the architect was taking too much mushrooms :)

i prefer something more restrained (for that reason, i tend to hate all which was built during the Renaissance, and most of the italian art (i have just realized i knew nothing about the spanish art)
oooh,i simlpy love these houses
they look as if they were taken from a fairytale or sth...i would definitely love to live in such a place and feel really like a little troll
Europe has such great architecture, too bad everything here is so plain, the housing developement area i live in has like 7 house types and the rest are repeats to fill in :cry:
Europe does have beautiful architecture. The Place Stanislas is just... amazing.

I personally like gray lonely buildings... they match my soul. :) I would love to live in an old castle somewhere.
Originally posted by aegis
it's in the East of France, i don't think someone here

Nancy is the town? I've heard of it :)

Siren (who's now proud of the french lessons she took)
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