Picture Thread

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Hmm, whos heads do you chop off exactly Rahvin? Every person who comes up to marry Atlantis? Wow thats a cushy job, howd you get that? Some extra 'favors' perhaps? :grin: I mean shoot chopping off heads all day and spouting power metal phrases like "heed thy call" , thats the kinda job I want!

@atlantis your hair seemd red to me..........maybe im color blind?
@rahvin_atlantis: hey, go on....I just go my popcorn bucket....now that is was getting fun!!!!! ;)

@f_v: yep was red, it's not you (and now I see it's not me...I was scared)

fathervic (who has just realised that popcorn is similar to cockporn)
@atlantis yeah i figured that..........im about half asleep after school so that would explain my lack of sense of humor or sense of sarcasm.........hmm. Good night all, few more posts and im off to sleep, thats where im a viking! :spin:
This thread is ~*trippy*~!!!

Maybe we should make a "Dating thread" where everyone can post their info, goals, etc. ... :lol: or maybe not... The geography would be a problem. What is your opinion on my thread? Just tell me if it is bad or good... if it is stupid... know that I only wrote that because I feel kind of high now.... high. hehe

*mousewings will probably regret writing this after posting it*
@adam: check http://www.afireinside.net/music/index.php to find out. ;)

@final_vision: that's just general head-chopping, not specifically aimed at anyone, except the next head. besides, you should ask atlantis what's the method behind my madness. i'm a henchman, not a philosophist. i merely take orders. :)

@fathervic: it's her who spoiled the fun with that dollhouse scenery. and don't expect too much of me anyway: i'm not in any of the sex scenes.

@mousewings: your idea is ok, the whole point is that some of us would not get into it, because - for instance - i don't really wanna date anyone. but it would be fun reading people's shameless self-promotion. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
i don't really wanna date anyone.

Eh, any particular reason there? Or did I miss some hint of sarcasm?

-Villain (who wouldn't mind dating someone with Atlantis' looks, intelligence and taste in music - and who wouldn't mind winning 10 million € in lottery three times in a row, or being the one to whose home DT, Opeth and The Black League would come to play together in their next tour...)
Originally posted by Villain
Eh, any particular reason there? Or did I miss some hint of sarcasm?

this time, funnily enough, there was no sarcasm. i'm not interested in dates because i don't mean to buy the article at the moment, and these things tend not to give you your money back if you're not satisfied. there might be a few women's looks i might find irresistable and i would probably be tempted to date, but after the fire's gone [quote from old pretty maids song ;) ] it's not worth it. so i stick with the places i know, keep a low profile, act nonchalant and get my kicks elsewhere.

Originally posted by astarte
@ mousewings: i agree with rahvin but you can always intimidate people through PMs ;)

edit: i meant Private Messages, not PMS.. :)

:lol: Yes, the second does not make me snarly, just moody and depressed.

I don't know who to intimidate throught this board's wonderful private message system... yet.

I will probably do some shameless self-promotion (of myself only... if no one cares to join me in my heinous crime) soon... just a warning to everyone... :grin:
Originally posted by mousewings

I will probably do some shameless self-promotion (of myself only... if no one cares to join me in my heinous crime) soon... just a warning to everyone... :grin:

Thanks for the warning... I'm well prepared. :grin:

-Villain (inside his bunker)
Ooook, I'll probably regret this in a few days and delete this post, but what the hell.. :grin:

It's me in the pic, a few weeks ago. It's the most r/decent pic I found. I've changed a lot since then (ok, maybe not a lot, just a bit, face still the same ;p).
Plz don't mind my hand in front of my face, I didn't mean to be rude :grin:

EDIT: There used to be a pic of me here :)
Originally posted by Siren
It's me in the pic, a few weeks ago.

*sighs, draws his sword*. ok, this means i'm gonna work some overtime as a secretary/head-chopper on siren's payroll as well as atlantis'. the marriage queue stretches to the equator already, so be steadfast and remember: i never take decisions, i'm just your basic blademaster. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin

*sighs, draws his sword*. ok, this means i'm gonna work some overtime as a secretary/head-chopper on siren's payroll as well as atlantis'. the marriage queue stretches to the equator already, so be steadfast and remember: i never take decisions, i'm just your basic blademaster. ;)


Poor rahvin.. What a nasty and tiresome job you got to do, and all with no payment..
It's admirable from your side that I offered you money and you said no..

First in line to have your head chopped off?
Weird tensions of self-torturing on this board... :p

EDIT: This is my 100th post! Yeaaah!!! :D
2nd EDIT: I got called beautiful princess! Yeaaah!!! :D
3rd EDIT: It was refering to me, wasn't it..? :p
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