Picture Thread

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Ehm, that's exactly what I was saying, rahvin. They 've never given me this title online before :P
but I guess we're diverting from the main stream....where's Sebastian siren???? (I hope he's called sebastian in the movie too, or I'm doing the stupid post of the day!)
and Oh! I hate when males just don't accept they love other males and try to court any cute female!!!

fathervic (who knows that rahvin and |ngenius are bound to get together)
@fathervic: i'm very proud of my coming out of the closet and i gladly accept my feelings towards |ngenius. it seems he's overprotective and unsure, though, jumping up at me that way whenever i happen to compl... to title a noblewoman. ;)
and who's sebastian, anyway?

@siren: right, keep a low profile and divert their eyes. :)

Sebastian is the crab in The Mermaid movie "La Sirenita" dubbed stuff is awesome!!!!!
and Oh!!!!!! I came out of the closet once....but have this backfire approaches to men, thus I just got into the closet again, and chained me there!!!!

fathervic (still walking awkwardly :rolleyes: )
@FatherVic: I haven't seen the movie, glad to know who Sebastian is :D In this case, Sebastian (or what's left of him) is resting on the bottle next to me :grin: Too bad you didn't notice ;p

@rahvin: *puts her sunglasses on and wears her long coat*
Is that low enough, sir? :p
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: *puts her sunglasses on and wears her long coat*
Is that low enough, sir? :p

you mean apart from the fact that you just told everybody everything about your clever disguise?
in that case yes, it's perfect. no one will notice. anything. ;)

hmm, id provide some nifty pictures but i put the batterys in my digital camera the wrong way and now the batter door is stuck..........:mad:

Final_Vision: Dreading the fact hes been gone from UM for 2 days and knows theres much posts to reply to and much mindless posting to be had........
f_v how on earth you were so dumb to put the batteries in the wrong way¿¿??? I mean....it's a digital camera and and and damn!!! you can't do that to a baby like that!!!!! :cry:

fathervic (who wants a digital camera)
theres no +- or anything, its just like guess .......... it sucks ass hehe. I wanna take some pics of myself with my nift CoB hoodie to replace the pic of me up at 5am, 2 weeks unshaven lol.

@phyros yes, you are gorgeous. Will you marry me? :grin: :spin:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
@phyros yes, you are gorgeous. Will you marry me? :grin: :spin:

:grin: that's why i say that people on this board are strange :loco:

~Mel~(who has a web camera....and is very talented at taking crappics -look down and no comments please- :rolleyes: )


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