Pictures of the musicians you have met...

NinjaKitten said:
hahahahahaha I love this picture! your sooo tiny and hes sooo huge!


Yeah, Big E is huge ;) but he is the mighty Erik!

Seriously I can't even name all the people I have "met" let along hang out, become friends, and had beers with, that are in bands...
I guess thats what the years of working for Metal Hammer, two web zines and 3 lables will do to ya... a lot of backstages and VIP goodies. :zombie:

Conqur All: I think you need to buy yourself a camera!
you can't take pictures of people you like with a camera phone anymore! :cool:
The picture I have is the one in my signature.

I've met a few people but not a whole lot. Some by accident, some by choice. I've met all of Lacuna Coil, all of Strapping Young Lad, the guitarist of System of a Down back in '99, Kurdt from Metal Church (used to be a good customer of mine and my old band was supposed to go on tour with them), Jerry Cantrell and Tommy Lee. I also ran into Ziggy Marley and B.B. King when I worked at a motel in Eastern Washington. B.B. was cool and I hung out Ziggy's band on their bus. Damn potheads....they had no booze.

I think that's it. Well, if you don't count crappy 'musicians' I've ran into in the past like Britney Spears and fucking Kitty.
Ok. Some of these are super old and most are very uninspired and not creative.

Cannibal Corpse (this was the first time we were ever on a tour bus):

Deeds of Flesh and Cephalic Carnage:

Fear Factory hates you:

Shadows Fall:

Mike Amott:

Lamb of God:

Suffocation (these guys were probably the coolest band we've ever hung out with, along with the next band...):

I already posted about how awesome these guys from System of a Down are:

Amon Amarth:

And finally:

I could keep going, but only 10 images allowed in a post makes for good reason to stop, and besides.. it'd be just more horns and stupid faces.
and I met the drummer from Les Claypool(Primus) but I dont know his name.

Brain is his name.

On the subject of the subject, no pictards but I have met All of Behemoth twice, have gotten drunk on (litterally) the tour bus of Dark Tranquility, most of Soilwork, Michael Amott, Scott Ian, most of Morbid Angel, A very drunk Anders Friden, and, as of last night, vocalist Brian Fair and the lead guitarist of shadows fall... in which I touched Brian's dreadlocks for about 3 minutes and then left saying only a few words. Oh, and a guy from Himsa last night also...
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Lucky fucker.
People say this all the time, but honestly I'm not the kind of person that really loves meeting musicians. They're just people and I'm not very good at talking to people I don't know.

It is definitely cool though, and I don't take it for granted. :)
Shpongled said:
People say this all the time, but honestly I'm not the kind of person that really loves meeting musicians. They're just people and I'm not very good at talking to people I don't know.

It is definitely cool though, and I don't take it for granted. :)
good way of putting it. sure they might be your heroes/idols, but you look at them as a normal person too. metal musicians are very kick back relax people who like to meet their fans. but then when you look at how the fans of mainstream artists are, they think that the band/artist are gods and can only go up to them for an autograph n shit. metalheads, generally speaking, look at musicians as normal people and thats what is so great about the genre