
I don't have any piercings and i don't plan on getting any except for my tongue. I love tatoos though. I want Alexi Laiho tatooed onto my fingers in blood red in a pretty font..maybe old english. And i want a big Cradle of Filth tribute tatooed onto my lower back. First, i have to think of how i'm gonna make it. I also want a dragon wrapping around my arm.
well considering the fact that you live in the states that means you will have to wait until you are 18. only 5 more years to go! good luck.

i have 2 earrings in my left ear and one in my right, and im thinking of getting the coat of arms of Russia tattooed on my right arm

It look so much like a fake tattoo that children wear to be cool:lol:
Lady_Laiho said:
Lady Laiho
I don't have any piercings and i don't plan on getting any except for my tongue. I love tatoos though. I want Alexi Laiho tatooed onto my fingers in blood red in a pretty font..maybe old english. And i want a big Cradle of Filth tribute tatooed onto my lower back. First, i have to think of how i'm gonna make it. I also want a dragon wrapping around my arm.

A band tramp stamp, That's even worse than a regular tramp stamp.
And why would u get Alexi's name on your hand. It's not like he loves you, Or even knows you exsist.Oh and getting a band tattoed on you is one of the dumbest ideas for a tattoo ever!

band tattoos don't just represent the people in the band or the stupid "scene" of the music. they represent the music itself. so if Lady Laiho wants a cradle tattoo cuz she loves them so much, i say she should get it.
Oh yeah I forgot you were still a fetus.
You don't know what a Monroe is i'm assuming?
You know how Marilyn Monroe had a mole/beauty mark or whatever on her over her upper lip on the side? I'm getting a peircing there.