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While we're all focused on personal attacks...

Here is a good example of what has happened in the last 2 years. Posters like this who add nothing to conversations and only seek to get attention. A quick search of this guy's recent contributions show that his favorite words to use are "lol", "faggot", and "failure". I can't think of a single post from this user that has lacked sarcasm, bitterness, or sophomoric stupidity. He even admits it here:

all_sins_undone said:
you see, young shitbag, there was once a time when people like you didn't inhabit this forum, and it contained real discussions. that time has long passed, so if you're wondering, i did most of my posting back then. now the only real reason i visit this forum is for a laugh, or on the odd occasion to satirize what this forum has become. i thought it was pretty obvious.

Why is someone like this allowed to continue posting?
why did my poll "whats your 2nd favorite Opeth album" get deleted? :( i diddnt think it was that shitty of a thread, unless i needed to put it in the off topic section. who knows im a noob. but i do love this forum! Maybe it was due to the fact there is no 2nd favorite album, all of the albums own-inate and it was a stupid question in the first place.
Perfectly valid question.

As the Mod I'm accused of banning for no reason, banning for simple dissention, and not doing enough all at the same time. :erk:YAY!:erk:

SO.... all_sins_undone? How should I address this?

address it however you want. chatting about how godly opeth are with dozens of mindless fanboys isn't really my thing these days, and i'm not going to pretend that this forum is anything but that. not to say that there isn't a provocative or informative thread every few months, but this forum has really hit the dumps. most, if not all of the old members have been banned or left because of it.

why did my poll "whats your 2nd favorite Opeth album" get deleted? :( i diddnt think it was that shitty of a thread, unless i needed to put it in the off topic section. who knows im a noob. but i do love this forum! Maybe it was due to the fact there is no 2nd favorite album, all of the albums own-inate and it was a stupid question in the first place.

because theres been roughly 200000000 polls on how much one loves opeth, and whats ur fav album. whats ur 2nd fav, whats ur fav haircut for mike etc etc etc etc etc.

0h and all_sins makes me giggle at times... wwalinga lighten up
I would have to agree with Wwallinga!
Mr Sam, its pretty obvious that All_sins is a complete idiot whos main purpose here is to insult and annoy and Im suprised that you let his carry on continue, most mods would have surely banned him by now...
because theres been roughly 200000000 polls on how much one loves opeth, and whats ur fav album. whats ur 2nd fav, whats ur fav haircut for mike etc etc etc etc etc.

0h and all_sins makes me giggle at times... wwalinga lighten up

See, i diddnt know that I just joined the forum. 2nd favorite haircut! what a grea thread idea!
Judging from your sig and your willingness to follow his inane comments with your own (see above), I'm not sure we should be taking your advice.

You have to stop taking everything so damned seriously, lighten up, its an online forum, anyone who wants to can join, trust me there are people 1000x worse than A_s_U
Here is a good example of what has happened in the last 2 years. Posters like this who add nothing to conversations and only seek to get attention. A quick search of this guy's recent contributions show that his favorite words to use are "lol", "faggot", and "failure". I can't think of a single post from this user that has lacked sarcasm, bitterness, or sophomoric stupidity. He even admits it here:

Haha i can't believe you wrote that about the nudes comment. You won't understand it. So don't worry.

But will post pics of me in birthday suit when i have my party after exams :Smokin:

edit: all_sins better not stop using lol faggot and failure. They is unique when coming from him :swoon: oops wrong forum
Haha i can't believe you wrote that about the nudes comment. You won't understand it. So don't worry.

But will post pics of me in birthday suit when i have my party after exams :Smokin:

edit: all_sins better not stop using lol faggot and failure. They is unique when coming from him :swoon: oops wrong forum

address it however you want. chatting about how godly opeth are with dozens of mindless fanboys isn't really my thing these days, and i'm not going to pretend that this forum is anything but that. not to say that there isn't a provocative or informative thread every few months, but this forum has really hit the dumps. most, if not all of the old members have been banned or left because of it.
however, you don't help in improving this forum at all. I can't remember you making one of these "provocative and informative" threads. instead you derail others' threads just for your personal fun. the forum is what you make out of it, retard.
Well, if the forum is only filled with 'fanboys', which for some incomprehensible reason cannot use the Search function, there really isn't much left but to derail their threads, for personal gain. I mean come on, how can you point the finger like that, i'm sure everyone here does the same! lt's it's the int0rnet ffs. Plus it's fun to watch him 'lol, faggot' the n00bs. Admit it though, this forum would be pretty dead (now with the absence of NFU) if it weren't for him and other such personalities keeping it going. Despite what you may think.
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