Popularity of the Forum

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true. i like this forum though... i mean, the way i see it, forums always have some shit being thrown around, but in here, everyone takes heart to it. a few shit birds kinda made alot of shit birds. why not just ban the shitbirds? the people who flame all the time?

dunno just a thought, but there are alot of valid points. i dont make too many posts cause alot of the threads here become bitch fests within 5 posts, and therefore, arent really worth my time.

anyways, whatever happens, this forum provided alot of insightful info about my fav band, and was pretty fun looking at different viewpoints from around the world. dont get much of that these days...

later guys.
we need the off-topic section back! thats whats causing all the trouble. members need to let off their steam now and then on stupid threads that are NOT about music. i still dont understand why mrs.akerfeldt wont let the non-opeth section turn into off-topic...who cares as long as we keep the opeth section free of all kinds of shit and other topics.

i wanna discuss literature, politics, art, women, beers, movies, mysticism, business etc. with all the people i know here...just like in the old days

forgot to +1 this... that would relieve some of this "flaming" and "nonsense" in the OFFICIAL OPETH section.... although i wasnt around when this section was... and this relationship between the forum and quality of music might be resolved.

just a thought, not a sermon :)
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6366254 said:
I have thought about closing this forum down a few times before. Maybe it's time now? We are paying for this in order for you guys to communicate and for the band to throw in a few punches every now and then. I thought it was a fun read before, now I'm not so sure. When people start comparing the popularity of this here forum to the quality of our music I have to say it just makes me weak and tired and I wonder why the hell we have this forum at all.

Cheers guys

With all the new music coming up, member changes... This is a very exciting time! It's only been what? 15 yrs? :kickass:
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6366254 said:
I have thought about closing this forum down a few times before. Maybe it's time now? We are paying for this in order for you guys to communicate and for the band to throw in a few punches every now and then. I thought it was a fun read before, now I'm not so sure. When people start comparing the popularity of this here forum to the quality of our music I have to say it just makes me weak and tired and I wonder why the hell we have this forum at all.

Cheers guys

Ah Mike, I know why you have a forum...

Cos, You love us and we love you!!

Hang on in here, true it's at a low ebb atm, check the UM stats on the CoB forum, same number of threads as here approx, twice as many posts. :ill:

Checkout this epic Opeth thread posted on ultimate guitar, tis almost two years old...


Cheers Mike for punching, sorry, posting in here on occasion. :) :kickass:
No worries guys, I wasn't fishing for attention, just wanted to make sure you realize we have the forum because of you.
As far as I know it's the biggest forum on Ultimate metal and we'll have it for as long as there's interest and a nice mix of threads.
The band is in hibernation now and we're not considered "hot" at the time, but once we come back with new info, new music etc, you'll have some more topics to dissect I'm sure.

Oh, and bring back the photoshop thing, that's the best shit we've ever had here. The pic with the golfer me holding 2 Mendez kids is a classic. We have all downloaded the best images on our personal laptops and it fucking cracks us up! And if I may put forward a personal wich, I'd like to see some photoshop experiments with Fredrik.

“The problem with this forum is….” Every single one of these posts should have ended with “Me”…. “The problem with this forum is….ME!” The problem with this forum is the posters. The posters are people …………..and for the most part people make me sick. The forum has been infected with the cancer of human folly. With your incessant yammering… a chorus of rusty gate hinges.. from “Lopez left? Wtf Opeth is through” “Axe is just a metal drummer.. Opeth is done”, “Why didn’t they play my favorite song at the show I went through?”, “Why didn’t Mike stop and discuss his day and the recording of the new record and sign my 12 CD covers at 3am when he went to the bus that stuck up rock star”, ”RR? You’ve got to be kidding me.. Opeth done, sellout, etc.”, “Why can’t Opeth play in my city?”, “How often can you discuss the same thing?”, “Fan Boy Posts”, “All the true fans, the funny, intelligent, amusing, cool, interesting posters got banned for NO REASON and went elsewhere”, “The moderator is a Nazi and needs to have some sense knocked into him”, “There’s nothing here but immature trolls”, “We need an Off-Topic section”, “I’ll post more when someone else posts something worthwhile”, “Opeth got more popular and that attracted more idiots”, “You’re not even allowed to have your own opinion on here anymore”… Oh, the fucking irony. Taking up all this hard drive space with your pathetic, “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” demeanor using the same keyboard that could fix the problem instantly. It’s embarrassing…. Well you should be embarrassed but you aren’t…. and you won’t be. You’ll just twist this post into proof of what you already believe…. It’s someone else’s fault.

It’s not rocket science.

Don’t feed the trolls and they’ll leave.
Only contribute things you think are interesting and only contribute to things other people post that you think are interesting
If you run out of things to argue and you think you’re getting pwnt… don’t resort to a personal attack. It shows you to be an ass.
If someone attacks your views, opinion, or taste let it roll off your back, defend intelligently, see the previous line.
If you think this place is boring, complain about it but don’t actually do anything to make it better… and don’t just leave but stay and contribute to the very thing you complain about. (Oh, wait. You’re already doing that)

Obviously this concept is beyond even your stellar intellect. Is it really that hard? Surely mental titans like you would have figured this out by now. Whatever…

Check this out.



Oh, and there’s not going to be an off topic board. You have the entire fucking Internet for that. I guess you’ll have to find something else to whine about. Oh, and speaking of whining… WAZ. FTLOG man shut it. Why don’t you talk to MetalAges and buy your own fucking forum and post a song a day there. “im fuckin tired of it...!!!!.....” ?!? Go fuck yourself.

@Samsara: That was a pretty comprehensive list of bad posts! Hopefully you're getting them out of your system and not stewing in them. Not good for you. :)
whats wrong with asking for the off-topic section to be brought back? come on samsara, i know you hurt too,when you had to lock up that favorite books thread a few months ago. the off-topic bit doesnt belong on your shit list.

but yeah since you made it clear it's not coming back, just ignore this post :(
Ummmmm, I'll add 2 more.

Don't make posts @ 2:30am after drinking a bottle of wine.

If you're going to take 20 minutes to type up a post... check to see if Mike slips in and posts while you're typing BEFORE you hit submit.

Sorry guys.
Ummmmm, I'll add 2 more.

Don't make posts @ 2:30am after drinking a bottle of wine.

If you're going to take 20 minutes to type up a post... check to see if Mike slips in and posts while you're typing BEFORE you hit submit.

Sorry guys.

I don't see why you're apologizing. All of the points you've made have been perfectly valid.

(Please note that I am not saying that I am not guilty of at least some of the things that Mr. Samsara has pointed out. I certainly am guilty, but I will make the effort to learn from my mistakes and contribute in a more constructive way.)
I don't see why you're apologizing. All of the points you've made have been perfectly valid.

(Please note that I am not saying that I am not guilty of at least some of the things that Mr. Samsara has pointed out. I certainly am guilty, but I will make the effort to learn from my mistakes and contribute in a more constructive way.)

agreed. sorry for making you so angry samsara!!!!
I'm guessing the Photoshop thread will *BOOM* now! And so it should.

Good on you Samsara. Drunk posts aren't often good posts, but your's definitely broke the mould.

So let's get back to being the happy place of yesterday! Get the thinking caps on and think of some sweet ideas for new threads:)
I'm coming back. I've been lurking for a long time, but I really liked it here. this forum still has potential... or maybe not, whatever.
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