Popularity of the Forum

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The Second Coming, live on Opeth Forum.

The Testament was right after all.

I just read the rare prog thread, and it is fascinating, at the beginning, you have a joyful NFU happy to share his knowledge, before the dark times, and the Children of Bodom army came to town.

What is teh best Cock (or is it Kraut , I am not sure ...) rock album evah ?

Anyway, I always wanted to chat about 70's hard rock with you ( Early Scorps, Thin Lizzy, B.O.C, the Nuge etc, Deep Purple all MK, early WHitesnake, Alice Cooper, Rainbow etc etc)
I think this forum is no longer fun because all people do is flame the crap out of each other. You can't even ask a serious question and expect any sort of serious answer. Back in the day, you could start stupid threads and have a couple of people call you an idiot, but most people thought it was fun and games. Now, if you start a goofy thread out of boredom, or just to keep things changing a little, you get flamed beyond belief.

You are not even allowed to have your own opinion here because this has gone from a discussion board to an all out flame board. Every thread turns into a shit throwing fest. Everyone against everyone else. While that was funny at first, it got old after a while.

The newbies get treated like shit for asking questions that have been asked long before. Granted, some of the questions are stupid and mundane, but even if they are not, people are so quick to suggest the search feature. So what if the same questions get asked time and time again by people who can easily find the answer. This is the way the world works. I constantly find myself IRL answering stupid or redundant questions. That's life. If people don't like the question, or what not, I don't understand why they can't just ignore it and move on.

Yeah there are people who purposely ask downright retarded questions in here, but instead of ignoring them, a shit fest breaks out. Someone's pissed because whomever started the thead is trying to instigate trouble; someone else is pissed because this opinion has been stated before; someone throws in some spam; someone else doesn't reply anything aside from the web address where whatever was discussed before; someone starts talking about In Flames or Slipknot, and it just gets ugly. And everybody's opinion gets ragged on by somebody.

Maybe just because I am getting older I get frustrated more easily by stupid shit. It just seems to me that the quality of the people has diminished greatly since the days of Lina, Belile, Great Pheonix, MetalManCPA, Beth, Nogie, Bumblefoot, Spike, Hearse, Beast in Flames, and the likes of all them.

I used to come here everyday, but now find myself coming once a week or so just to scan the threads.

It just isn't fun anymore.

Agree in so many different ways. I mean someone throws their opinion about a band that the others don't like then they are fucked any time they come one here
Agree in so many different ways. I mean someone throws their opinion about a band that the others don't like then they are fucked any time they come one here

We're not all like that. And it's HOW you throw your opinion out there, too. Just like anything in life, you can't waltz in here for the first time and try to act like you know everything. Lurk a while. Make some simple posts. Read some old threads. Get to know the people here. Come on, it's like message boards 101, people...
I can't remember the exact dates, but the glory days were the ones with:


That about covers it :D

I think the main problem is the hostility and the humor is gone. People take each other too seriously, and if someone disagrees, another takes it as a personal attack. I don't know why we can't have ridiculous threads like this anymore where everyone has a good time, where old and new posters united in harmony
"Donkeys live a long time. None of you have ever seen a dead donkey."

In all seriousness, I don't mind the way the forum is right now. I wouldn't mind a little less mudslinging, and a little more opinion. But what can one expect from a forum on the internet, everyone is protected by their distance from everyone else. Actually, I enjoyed reading this five page discussion on the current state of the forum, and clicking on a random page in the long 70s prog rock thread to discover new bands, and the recommendations I see like Alcest, Agalloch, Anekdoten, and others. I wouldn't be enjoying their great music if it was not for this forum.
Beware of Napoleon though! (some of you will probably guess which book I just finished reading).
I have thought about closing this forum down a few times before. Maybe it's time now? We are paying for this in order for you guys to communicate and for the band to throw in a few punches every now and then. I thought it was a fun read before, now I'm not so sure. When people start comparing the popularity of this here forum to the quality of our music I have to say it just makes me weak and tired and I wonder why the hell we have this forum at all.

Cheers guys
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6366254 said:
I have thought about closing this forum down a few times before. Maybe it's time now? We are paying for this in order for you guys to communicate and for the band to throw in a few punches every now and then. I thought it was a fun read before, now I'm not so sure. When people start comparing the popularity of this here forum to the quality of our music I have to say it just makes me weak and tired and I wonder why the hell we have this forum at all.

Cheers guys

Wow, I'm sorry you feel that way, Mike. I for one really enjoy the forum, and love the hell out of your music. I like a lot of the people here, and I wish everyone would stop their bitching about the old days. Life is what you make it. If people don't like the forum...well, no one's making them read it and post stupid shit. If people don't like the way Opeth is going, same deal.

But know there are a lot of people out here, Mike, who love what you do and love this forum.
lol mike pretty much pwned everyone

I like the forum still. Im unsure what to do to make the forum a "MUST VISET". Im sure when the dvd is released it'll boom.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;6366254 said:
I have thought about closing this forum down a few times before. Maybe it's time now? We are paying for this in order for you guys to communicate and for the band to throw in a few punches every now and then. I thought it was a fun read before, now I'm not so sure. When people start comparing the popularity of this here forum to the quality of our music I have to say it just makes me weak and tired and I wonder why the hell we have this forum at all.

Cheers guys

I think the fan community will live on, whether there is an 'official' forum or not. It would be silly for any of us to obligate you to keep paying for it, if the returns aren't there.

However, I may have missed that part of the thread, but I can't recall seeing anyone comparing the popularity of the forum to the quality of the music. I suppose I may have done it in the initial post, but I was citing an inverse correlation. As your popularity grew, it seemed more people vacated this place. I definitely don't think the quality of the music is in decline. On the contrary, I still think GR was a great step after Deliverance.

I can definitely understand what you mean about it making you feel weak and tired. I just couldn't be arsed moderating this place any more after a certain point of time. It feels like a lot of things here are a constant uphill battle.

@Samsara: There's really nothing you can do man. As long as you don't take it personally and enjoy the last few days of the forum, that's all that matters :)

Haha, I find it a little ironic. The thread about the decline in popularity of the forum has the most replies out of any thread on the front page.
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