Populations Losing the Will to Live


Dec 12, 2005
Many nations seem to be decreasingly populated by indigenous people who have lost the will to live. Why are some nations like this and others bursting with fertility?

Does it tell us anything about humanity or civilisation?
Is it merely the senile part of the cycle of civilisation?

Death of a Nation
Wed 16 May 2007 9pm
Fifteen years after the fall of Communism, Marcel Theroux goes on a personal journey through Putin's Russia.

Facts about Russia:

- In the first six months of 2005, the Russian population fell by half a million;

- By the middle of this century Russia could lose up to half of its people, according to Russian government stats;

- Life expectancy for men is 56 years, the same as Bangladesh;

- Ten years ago, the life expectancy for men in Russia was 63;

- The World Health Organisation says that at a conservative estimate more than a million people will have died because of AIDS in Russia by 2020;

- Every other newborn baby is diagnosed with a disease at birth

There are more abortions every year in Russia than babies are born;

- Thanks to ill-health, 10 million Russians are infertile;

- A quarter of the population lives below the poverty line;

- Paradoxically, Moscow has more billionaires than any other city in the world;

- Although Russia's population is in freefall, they're still throwing people out. Thirty thousand Meshket Turks have recently had to seek asylum in America, having been forced from their homes in the south of the country by discriminatory laws and racist attacks.

When the Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991 it was generally assumed that life was going to get better for the average Russian. Sadly, however, as Marcel Theroux's journey through this vast and troubled country graphically demonstrates, most people are actually worse off than they were 15 years ago.

In fact, modern Russia seems to have most of the disadvantages of the old Communist system, but few of the advantages. Putin's uniquely thuggish and dictatorial version of democracy - with his restraints on media criticism and his reliance on police batons and guns to put across his point of view - has meant that Russians don't enjoy much more freedom than they did in the days of the KGB and the gulags. And now their heating bills have rocketed, food costs more, universal health care is a thing of the past and millions of jobs have disappeared.

Meanwhile, the majority of the country's wealth has been siphoned off by a tiny minority of oligarchs and mafia-backed businessmen. So, although the economy has grown rapidly in recent years (largely thanks to the country's vast mineral wealth), most people have grown poorer in real terms.

The country Theroux explores is in serious decline. The population is already falling and threatened further by the very real possibility of a million deaths from AIDS by 2020. Those that survive have given up on life. Picking his way through the blighted ruins of Ivanova, a former powerhouse of the Soviet command economy where two thirds of the population now live below the poverty line, he says "it looks like a bomb hit in 1991 and everyone went away."

Not surprisingly, most of the people he meets are traumatised and defeated - or half mad.

Two homeless alcoholics tell him tearfully "we weren't always like this". A billionaire smiles piously and explains how he plans to build dozens of new churches with his money, but Theroux also shows that this same man used anti-terrorist police armed with sub-machine guns to force people from their homes and is now using his trophy-wife as a puppet front for his own political career. A HIV positive man says that out of his 23 classmates, five are now junkies and 10 alcoholics.

Most shocking of all is his encounter with some racist Cossacks who have been persecuting the Turks in their neighbourhood. They accost the crew, force Theroux to drink their moonshine, whip the film's director until he's bleeding, and sing and dance uproariously while Theroux peruses their preferred reading matter: Mein Kampf.

"The next step is the concentration camp," he says, ashen faced.

I don't know but I think it would help to kill most people and torture anyone with an IQ under 150.
Having been to Russia, and their past, I think the population loss is obvious. The lack of birthrate is sort of a revenge against their country. Example: the rate of abortion in Russia is the highest in the world. Not to mention outside of the big cities, Russia is basically third world and decaying.
What, precisely, does one expect from a people who have had the articulating framework of their existence torn down and replaced with...nothing?

I imagine Weimar Germany looked much the same.
would this be in part a parenting exam to see if the people can react appropriately in situations involving the children, or simply an intelligence base test?

A base intelligence test, obviously, as anyone can learn parenting skills. (Not that I think any such test should or could be implemented.)

Intelligence and other positive traits can't be deduced with any such standardized test...
I just watched a vid in my anthro course, seems nearly every industrialized state is going to lose large portions of their population by halfway point of the century. The US is hanging on almost purely by immigration...
Children drain money, resources and time and that is propably the main reason why people in industrialized countries do not have as many children as they used to.
Russia's situation can be partly blamed on having too many Cyrenaics (see Speed's thread for definition). The Russians are reknowned for being into short-term pleasure and shallow materialism.
Extermination of Russia is appropriate. Eurasians are not useful for much except getting raped by mongols when they're too disorganized to fight.
Russia's situation can be partly blamed on having too many Cyrenaics (see Speed's thread for definition). The Russians are reknowned for being into short-term pleasure and shallow materialism.

Not unlike most Europeans & Asians of the past 2000 years... Fixation on the material eventually comes from every "civilized" group of humans. Russian's current state is no more due to hedonism & materialism than all of the world's current state. What makes them worse off is the country's unfortunate history, nothing more...

Extermination of Russia is appropriate. Eurasians are not useful for much except getting raped by mongols when they're too disorganized to fight.

That is a bit much. Russians are guilty of the same idiocy as all breeds of humans, and to no greater extent. Chance has simply pounded their nation into the gutter. Russia is a collapsing civilization, and as with all collapsing civilizations in their last days the people turn to the meaningless. Hedonism and materialism are not the disease, they are a symptom, a symptom of the same disease all modern nations have. Russia's collapse has simply been sped up by circumstance.
Έρεβος;6214958 said:
Not unlike most Europeans & Asians of the past 2000 years... Fixation on the material eventually comes from every "civilized" group of humans. Russian's current state is no more due to hedonism & materialism than all of the world's current state. What makes them worse off is the country's unfortunate history, nothing more...

That is a bit much. Russians are guilty of the same idiocy as all breeds of humans, and to no greater extent. Chance has simply pounded their nation into the gutter. Russia is a collapsing civilization, and as with all collapsing civilizations in their last days the people turn to the meaningless. Hedonism and materialism are not the disease, they are a symptom, a symptom of the same disease all modern nations have. Russia's collapse has simply been sped up by circumstance.

If Britain did not have better health care we would quite possibly have the same AIDS crisis as Russia. Civilisation has bred far too many decadents - that is true. Still, the Slavs have a lot of unhealthy predelictions.
I like Putin's stance against the Oligarchs. ZOG Britain is very annoyed about this, since the oligarchs are Jews. Russia could cut off most gas supply to Britain, so Tony Blair is keen on building more nuclear power stations as quickly as possible to not be at all reliant on Russian energy.
Humanity is now divided in two:

1. Rich 1st worlders who have lost the will to live.
2. Starving 3rd worlders who think about nothing but gaining more material wealth and comfort.

#2 will destroy us, #1 will encourage it. Suicide is so hard alone.