Porcupine Tree Signs With Road Runner

Whaaaattt!? Are you really saying Crimson is shitty? That song is sooo amazing. What about other long songs...like Moonsorrow's V album, or Wyrd's Heathen? Or Meshuggah's Catch 33!? Arrrggghhh how could you say long songs aren't the coolest thing you've ever heard!!??

There is so much growth and development! So many changes and usually amazing lyrics! A long song gives the artist time to really express what they want to express without worrying about time constraints.

I'm sorry, I will always love long songs. You definitely need to give them a chance.

I listen to plenty of long songs. But there's limits. Less than 2 minutes = wtf gimme more. More than 25 minutes = k get to the point. For me at least. I think Crimson has some cool parts but the work in its entirety is pretty boring.
tbh I think they can be awesome if you look at them as a collection of riffs and parts...but as a coherent song..I have yet to see one pulled off over 23 minutes.
Yes!! Two amazing songs! And Lat....none of these songs are over an hour! You want close to an hour? Catch 33 by Meshuggah, Colours by Between The Buried and Me or one of the two Monolithe albums!! Good stuff!