Porcupine Tree Signs With Road Runner

Lightbulb Sun is probably my fave. Hard to order them from there though. I just love every song on Lightbulb Sun from start to finish.
good for them. 50 minute track sounds fucking awful tbh though
Track cycle is not the same as a single track. Will probably be more Crimson II than Crimson.

Signify is my favourite album. Music doesn't get much better than Dark Matter.
Signify = In Absentia > The Sky Moves Sideways > Lightbulb Sun > Stupid Dream > Deadwing >>>>> FOABP

All in all an amazing band, definitely looking forward to a new album, even though I'm not too crazy about the idea of a ''50 minutes long continuous song cycle''.
And psychedelic trip-hop is probably referring to their stuff like The Sky Moves Sideways and Voyage 34. Has anyone heard of these albums? I love the Sky Moves Sideways.

I do too! I probably listen to either the title track from TSMS or Phase 1 at least once a day.

Signify is my favourite album. Music doesn't get much better than Dark Matter.

I can't agree on the entire album, but Dark Matter is a fantastic song! "Dark matter flowing out onto a tape, is only as loud as the silence it breaks."

I think my favorites are the 7-13 minute mostly-prog-but-some-heavy-parts songs. Even Less, Hatesong, Don't Hate Me, Dark Matter, Buying New Soul, Radioactive Toy, and Russia on Ice get a lot of play.
Russia on Ice is truly the shit. Also Arriving Somewhere But Not Here.

As long as its not one track, 50 minute cycle is cool with me.
Well, it looks like Roadrunner works their bands hard, so they'll probably be touring quite a bit, which is good for me, from my selfish perspective.

I liked FOABP quite a bit - Way our of Here is my favorite, probably. Even Less (long version) is awesome, too. It just depends on my mood.
I can't agree on the entire album, but Dark Matter is a fantastic song! "Dark matter flowing out onto a tape, is only as loud as the silence it breaks."
I have a similar take on Lightbulb Sun.

I think as an album, Signify is the most well-rounded and best crafted, though it's understandable that people don't agree.
Signify for me is one of my favorites because it shows Porcupine Tree transitioning from their psychedelic sound to a more accessible pop oriented sound without sacrificing either of the two elements.
FOAB>Stupid Dream>Deadwing>In Absentia>Lightbulp Sun>Signify etc

How can anyone not look forward to a 50 min long PT song. You must be retarded.
Overall FOABP is pretty good but the some of the attempts to incorporate metal into the songs were pretty weak, and lyrics like "Let's sleep together...RIGHT NOW" are simply atrocious. And absurdly long songs blow because listeners enjoy things they remember liking, and it's kinda hard to enjoy every second of a 50 minute song. I mean hell I would never get to listen to that thing in one sitting in my car. Anywho, it's off-topic, considering there won't be a 50 minute song but a 50 minute song CYCLE.
^ I can remember every part of a song like Crimson. Perhaps you need to learn to pay attention better.

Why would I want to pay attention to something as meandering and pointless as that? I can remember every part of Diabolus Absconditus and Black Rose Immortal, but even I realize how shitty they'd be if they were double that length.
Whaaaattt!? Are you really saying Crimson is shitty? That song is sooo amazing. What about other long songs...like Moonsorrow's V album, or Wyrd's Heathen? Or Meshuggah's Catch 33!? Arrrggghhh how could you say long songs aren't the coolest thing you've ever heard!!??

There is so much growth and development! So many changes and usually amazing lyrics! A long song gives the artist time to really express what they want to express without worrying about time constraints.

I'm sorry, I will always love long songs. You definitely need to give them a chance.