Possibly the worst day of my life


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I just found out that my boyfriend of almost 4 years cheated on me with my best friend. I've been up for 30+ hours, and I've seriously lost my mind.

I can't get the words to come out of my head. I'm just hoping it's all a bad dream, and I'll wake up in the morning and everything will be ok. It's so surreal.

Why do people do this? It's horrible, and it's killing me inside.
I know how you feel, and you're going to feel that way for a while but keep your chin up. When you find out things like that you literally start to feel light-headed and seriously wonder if it's a dream or not. The mornings right when you wake up are the worst...but it DOES get better over time.

I'm so sorry.
DHIADW and the new Behemoth album are all I played today...it's helped.
Yeah Dead Winter, I'm thinking that every day will be better, and this will just fade away slowly into the background. It will just take a while.
I'm sorry then. I'm always one that has a firm stance against cheating and say "Break up first, it makes it a little less harsh." It's not too much to ask of someone I'd think. I do hope you feel better.

Wait, with your best friend? Thats just frigging wrong. Its three stabs, one for cheating, one for with someone you know, and one from the friend. I apologize again.
I don't care if he reads this, either.
I hope he knows that what happened has ruined a part of my life.
My dad did this to my mom a few years back when he and I got together, and I thought he would understand how much it fucking breaks your heart. I'll never be able to trust anyone again.
It will gradually get better, but the fade doesn't just gradually go away. One day someone will say something to you so profound, and it may be something stupid, but it will mean a lot to you and it will hit you right where it needs to, and you will feel like a cloud has lifted instantly. There is a gradual release, but the push over the edge will snap you out of it like a dream...the length of time depends on the person. It took me about 9 or 10 months to get over it, and then a dear friend of mine said something to me that was like the hand of God or something touching me.

Again, keep your chin up and press forward. Don't dwell on it, but don't run from it, either. Good luck and again, I'm so sorry and I know exactly how you feel.
And David, that's what I think about cheating. It's horrible, so just fucking break up first.
That's exactly what I told my dad.
I thought he would understand how much it fucking breaks your heart. I'll never be able to trust anyone again.

They do understand, they often feel guilty about it but justify it anyway. And you'll regain trust in time, just don't rush into anything. And, If it isn't too harsh, don't do long distance relationships.
They do understand, they often feel guilty about it but justify it anyway. And you'll regain trust in time, just don't rush into anything. And, If it isn't too harsh, don't do long distance relationships.

Oh yeah, to hell with long distance relationships.

Apparently, absence makes the heart wander.

And I'm not going back to him. I've experienced this before with my family, and I would have to be fucking insane.
Justin: You're on notice. I'd recommend hiding on RC and changing your UM name before coming back.
As unfortunate as this is, it's even more unfortunate that you didn't get the chance to hire Joey Greco from the acclaimed television show Cheaters to confront him and then you could kick his ass on national TV.
I'm sorry Lesa :(
That really really really really sucks. Guys are such assholes.
Best of luck with everything.
I'm not sure if it's the emotional side of humans, or the sexual side of humans, that sometimes causes us to cheat, but either way, it's not something I like.

If you're going to cheat on someone, if it's on purpose, break up with them first.

If you're going to cheat on someone by accident (How that happens I haven't been able to figure out) at least have the decency to tell them the truth.
I'm very sorry to hear that.

I've never understood the cheating thing, I find it rude. but I guess that is an understatement.

Keep your chin up!

