Possibly the worst day of my life


Dont you mean:
hmm i know how you feel...my ex-gf cheated on me 2 with my als ex-best friend...

i fell into a hell at first...the first couple of days... i found out on newyearseve...that was really the worst newyearseve evar but hey time will make things right...alot of time

im still not totally over it but now atleast i got a better gf then what my ex-gf could ever be

i know its hard, alot of sorry but i know you will make it!!
I've never felt the urge to cheat, it's quite a cruel thing to do. Even if you "never meant to" as Tyler said (and I know what he means by that), the final decision always falls to you: what will happen if I do this, and is it worth stabbing this person who cares about me in the back?

To me, the answer would have to be no. But maybe some people give it less thought.

Sorry this had to happen to you Lesa, but I'm sure you know that it's always darkest before the dawn. You'll make it. :)
I approve of cheating. It's the mentality that "oh, I'm feeling so guilty I need to tell YOU and make YOU feel shitty" that I abhor. Cheating is great and completely understandable, I mean, more getting laid? AWESOME. But there's no reason to tell the other person unless you don't like them and really don't want to date them anymore. That's a courtesy, because now it's like, "WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO BE WITH A CHEATER???" and it's easier to get over the person.

yeah, best advice is to date a lot. The more memories you put inbetween the past and present the easier it is to move on.
I approve of cheating. It's the mentality that "oh, I'm feeling so guilty I need to tell YOU and make YOU feel shitty" that I abhor. Cheating is great and completely understandable, I mean, more getting laid? AWESOME. But there's no reason to tell the other person unless you don't like them and really don't want to date them anymore. That's a courtesy, because now it's like, "WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO BE WITH A CHEATER???" and it's easier to get over the person.

yeah, best advice is to date a lot. The more memories you put inbetween the past and present the easier it is to move on.

While your opinion is probably in the minority, you've got a valid point. I disagree with cheating, but sometimes you have to weigh the fact that you must deal with the guilt ALONE if you are going to do something like that. It's selfish and arrogant to cheat, yes, but it's also selfish and arrogant to make the other person hurt because YOU felt guilty of something YOU did, as you said.
You realize he felt like saying the exact opposite of what everyone said because he's retarded penguin, right?
I love you guys *hugs*

Through this mess, I think I've discovered who my real friends are.

*edit* It sounds corny, but it's true....in real life and the interwebbie.
Yes I do, and I understand he's in the extreme minority, but there is logic in there. It's not something I would do, but I can understand the logic in "I don't want to know about it". If that person can deal with the nagging suspicion the rest of his/her life, more power to them. However, we are not robots, and I can't fathom a human being doing that. But logically, it makes sense.

Here it's rampant. It's almost a given that if you're in a relationship, one or both have already cheated. It's like an unwritten rule. It doesn't make it any less ugly, and people still have their hearts broken, but it's a cultural thing. They realize that if the partner can do it, then so can they. Also, vice versa, and I think that's why there isn't such a big deal about it. They know if they do it, they will have it done to them. If (ha!) Berlusconi had an affair (he's a womanizer, everyone knows he does), no one would give a shit. As long as it doesn't affect the public personally, what they do in their private life is their business. Meanwhile, our entire country was up in arms about Clinton getting a hummer from some pudgy intern. It's just another cultural difference, and it's not better or worse. You just have to decide which type of person you are.

There's an old saying here: "You get three days to cry for him/her; after that, suck it up and find another."
Yes I do, and I understand he's in the extreme minority, but there is logic in there. It's not something I would do, but I can understand the logic in "I don't want to know about it". If that person can deal with the nagging suspicion the rest of his/her life, more power to them. However, we are not robots, and I can't fathom a human being doing that. But logically, it makes sense.

Here it's rampant. It's almost a given that if you're in a relationship, one or both have already cheated. It's like an unwritten rule. It doesn't make it any less ugly, and people still have their hearts broken, but it's a cultural thing. They realize that if the partner can do it, then so can they. Also, vice versa, and I think that's why there isn't such a big deal about it. If (ha!) Berlusconi had an affair (he's a womanizer, everyone knows he does), no one would give a shit. As long as it doesn't affect the public personally, what they do in their private life is their business. Meanwhile, our entire country was up in arms about Clinton getting a hummer from some pudgy intern. It's just another cultural difference, and it's not better or worse. You just have to decide which type of person you are.

There's an old saying here: "You get three days to cry for him/her; after that, suck it up and find another."

Dude, you have WAY too much to say.
Dude, you have WAY too much to say.

What can I say? I'm analytical.

I'm also writing a book as well.

If you ever met me, however, your perception and stereotype of me would be the complete opposite of who I am.

This board is my sounding board for ideas and a couple of chuckles here and there, maybe even a guffaw or two.

Maybe subconsciously I'm trying to raise our country's pathetic level of literacy and attention span.