Post a random fact about yourself

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FACT: Im analysing the infamous "I Have A Dream" speech by Martin L King for English. Im listening to it now... It's ace.

FACT: I restrung my guitar with an A string for the low E string because I had no E's but I really wanted to play. It's surprisingly a good gauge to use, although a little slack, the string works beautifully! also there's less tension on the locking trem so the strings have lowered massively to a really good level.
@ Fourth HorseMan... so's my mother, so it isnt hard to imagine. My mum actually has the most discordant voive on the plannet. She cannot get close to the right note, so when she tries to sing along to Therein itmakes me want to kill myself.

FACT: I just span around so fast on my office chair with my eyes closed while head banging that Ive gone pretty much blind... you should all try it, everything is all blurry :ill: :loco: :ill:... actually dont try it, I think I'm permanently damaged. :lol:
Fact: I've just been reminded of how much I wanted to see Finntroll and Ensiferum live when they toured a while ago. Dammit.
Rusty said:
Fact: I've just been reminded of how much I wanted to see Finntroll and Ensiferum live when they toured a while ago. Dammit.
well Ensiferum are at Tuska :p
FACT1: I have never posted a fact to this thread before.
FACT2: I am so bored that even find stomping the floor with my foot amusing.
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