Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: I missed my 2-hour afternoon sleep, I can only just remember what humour is at this point, never mind see it in people's posts.
Fact: The bone(s) in my right cheek are a bit hurty-hurty. It was so intense...last minute of the game, he goes for the ball...and gets it right in the jaw! Does he fall? No! He advances towards the goal, the keeper goes for the save...and he lobs it over him! The crowd goes wild! *applause*

Yep, practices sure are exciting. Perfect field to play on too, pretty wet but not raining anymore, really humid.
Fact #2: Looking forward to the game on Friday. :)
fact: i've been in an ancient greek (to be exact macedonian) tomb, that probably belonged to a rich/noble family. the tomb wasn't open for public, it was still in an early stage of excavation, and we got in from the top through a small opening (the key-stone removed), since the whole tomb was still under a hill and thus sealed from the main entrance. the paintings inside were in an almost perfect condition and really impressive, and the whole feeling was very heart-warming, the opposite of what you'd expect from being in a grave.
fact: it's going to be extremely hard to pretend i'm not sick at work today. in the depths of my mindless foolishness, i assume i might even confide in some coworkers about the state of my nerves/life. i wish hyena would show up and stop me.
The dead aren't tired at all.

Fact: My life was completely void of purpose till now since my parents invaded the holy computer space in order to order some pictures. Just too lazy to go downtown with the bicycle to pick up some music...oh well.

@Hearse: Rome? :hypno:
@Hearse: if you get me the plane tickets and of course a backstage pass, i might even come. :grin:
Hope it works out and becomes reality. ;)
LoboUivante said:
fact: women are on this earth merely to kill men's last brain cells
Haha... I once proposed to my gf that sex involved women stealing men's brain cells in some weird form of osmosis. She laughed and said that's probably why I was better than her completely brain-dead ex's. It disturbed me that she didn't try and argue that I was wrong in my assesment :p

fact: i don't wanna think about school coming up :(

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