Post a random fact about yourself

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rahvin said:
i've stopped feeding myself almost completely. i can't keep the little food people force down my throat, and i'm down on my knees from exhaustion about three times a day. the only thing that stops me from just drinking beer from one sunrise to the next is the fact that i don't always have the strength to go buy more at the mall.

you should, at least once a day(no, not go to buy beer). i manage to eat once a day and i feel almost decent
Fact - watched 11 DVDs in the last 3 days - 21 Grams , American Psycho , Barfly , Taxi Driver , Blue Velvet , Jacob's Ladder , Leaving Las Vegas , 28 Days Later , the Man Who Wasn't There , Hedwig and the Angry Inch , Beau Pere -
When I *must* take my med.s - that's all I'm into -
Explanation to follow somewhere on this forum - maybe ???
Thanatos said:
that's a great slogan for a doctor who specializes in treating constipation :tickled:
I'm reminded of something that happened in a meeting at work not too long ago... Three of us were gathered around a computer screen discussing some things, and to do what we need to do to the client's system we have to clear a bunch of data out from their databases. We'd already been in there a few hours so we were all fairly tired. Anyway, my boss proceeds to delete all the appropriate data...

Boss: "There.. i've cleared out his backend now"
... workmate pauses and looks contemplative...
Workmate: "Did you know my friend is having a colonoscopy at the moment?"

:lol: it was hilarious at the time, perfectly timed in the middle of a long boring meeting. And his friend really was having a colonoscopy too!
Rusty said:
Fact: I wish people would stop cleaning their rooms and apartments, they make me feel guilty.
well i didn't clean this thing for about a month ( :/ seems like a day to me), now i had to, the dust on the floor started to look like those "balls" that wander for the desert when there's wind
Fact: i started to :lol: after hearing in a song "everything is gonna be alright...sto cazzo!", which totally reflects my current views on life, still, it was damn funny.

Fact2: i'm awarding myself for doing nothing all afternoon with smirnoff ice now instead :p
MagSec4 said:
I want to see it!

How does it compare to the originals? I always liked the simplicity of the gameplay and the whole atmosphere it created..
Well for simplicity of gameplay and abundance of monsters i turned to Serious Sam, have you ever played that? I found it heaps of fun, it went back to the old days of throwing hundreds of monsters on the screen at once to blast through (whereas most modern 3D shooters have maybe 2 or 3 in a room at once because they try and be a bit more realistic). But there's certainly not the atmosphere there, nor is it an engrossing game, just one of those ones i can play for 30 minutes whenever i'm bored and have some fun.

Doom III however is huge on atmosphere, i played with a 5.1 system for audio and turned all the lights off.. and it certainly affected me. I'm as drawn into the game/story as i was with Half Life (and no other game has really achieved that), but this has the atmosphere on top of it to up the tension.. i've only played for 2 or 3 hours so far, but it's the most enjoyable gaming experience i've had in a long time. Seems to be quite unsettling.. and just generally quite amazing in terms of graphics/sound/everything.
Fact: I've also just finished... buying Doom 3, which I'll soon install and play and then I'll find out it runs really crappily on my computer and delete it, and then curse that I just wasted a whole day's worth of... buying.
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