Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: After downloading single songs from ~50 different bands/artists who i'd never heard today (a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to find new music to listen to) i finally found one that i really like.. about 3 or 4 others sounded fairly good, the vast majority didnt interest me at all. I'll try it on a different person's filelist next..
fact: i am shitty guitarist. therefore i cant call myself as one.
fact2: there is a fucking stupid thunderstrom coming my way, which will probably fuck up the electricity and my comp+modem as well,if i dont go offline and shut down my lil´ pal.
Fact: The project files of my so called 'album 1' take up a total of 18.1GB on my harddrive.. while the complete 'album 2' project files take up 82MB..
fact: i listened to Insanity's Crescendo for the first time exactly 3 years ago.

fact2: i listened to metal for the first time exactly 3 years and 2 days ago. first metal song ever being Dark Tranquillity's Lethe.
fact: i love Lapland

fact2: i love hiking

fact3: i love brooks, especially the ones in Lapland

fact4: i love reindeers

fact5: i wanna go back to Lapland and hike

fact6: the next time i go to Lapland in autumn or summer or spring i'm gonna hike at least 30 km's and i'm gonna stay there at least for a week.

fact7: i miss Lapland

fact8: i wanna go there and ski too

fact9: i love skiing, especially in Lapland
fact: I lub ulla. :')

fact1: ulla lubs me. (l)

fact2: I eat kittens.... raw ones.

fact3: lapland is ghey

fact4: reindeer taste nice... with kittens. :heh:

fact5: streams babble, not brooks.

fact6: salmiaki is the tasties food on earth

fact7: I will never drink again.

fact8: I am actually a millionare.

fact9: I stated precisely 0 facts in this post. ^_^
Yes, Ethereal Sage I meant this ;) Of course I don't drink smb's blood :)
I know that people who drinks blood are very strong. Blood is a "clever" substance of our body. I wish I could write a song about blood: "Blood" or "Taste of blood". I even have a melody to it :)
Meanwhile -
I was still thinking -
About last weekend -
I don't know why I fight it when the feelings of depression start to come back into my being - by fighting it I mean I don't want to take my med.s - I think I'm strong enough to get past it all with positive thinking - it does not work this way - you would think I should have learned this by now - one good thing it has been about 2 months from my last attack of this drama - I just wish I know what brought it on ??? The first sign is I can't sleep more than 2 hours - then the negativity starts to enter my mind -
I take my first med(pill) and in about 45 minutes I start to feel the positive effects - then I sleep for about 3 hours - wake up take a second 'little helper' and then for some reason I stay awake for at least 30 hours and have no desire to do anything - so I just watch DVDs one after another - I'll watch the same movie as much as 3x in a row without getting off the couch - after all of this when I know I'm going to fall asleep take one more and sleep about 6 hours and then everything is beautiful again -
I've discussed all of this with my Doctor and She says that the prescribed drug should not affect me this way but "If it works for you(me) then it works for Me(Her)" -
Last Sept/Oct I was very unstable in my state of mind - what thoughts I had at this time are very difficult to put into words - mass confusion, no direction - anyway my not recognizing the signs and doing something about it cost me my best Friend ever - all my fault - much sadness -
As I write this I must believe that a downward spiral will never enter my life again -

There is a song that discribes how I feel when I'm confused -
It's by Tin Star and the Song is Head (can't get out of my head) - its sort of a Funk/Disco Thing - it's words are me -
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