Post a random fact about yourself

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@Nick & Rob: :lol: Thanks?

@mousewings: Good luck.

My big toenail bent in half but it's too deep to cut off so it's just erm there. And there's dried blood underneath. w00t!

And I have no mail :(
Fact: I'm off to a sixties concert today. I'll get wet, cold, and roaringly drunk, and not necessarily in that order.
fact: i'm feeling semi-decent for the first time in about one month. not that i'm all sparkling and enthusiastic (well, i am happy about the prospect of having a very attractive new phone in some hours, but it doesn't really count), but at least i don't feel particularly sick.
@Hilj: We must be ex/toemates :)

I write and do most things with my left hand but I use the remote or anything with buttons, wave, implement intimate actions on others, etc with my right.
Fact: I've had problems with in-grown toenails for years, numerous operations and right big toe nail has been somewhat malformed as a result, but it's not hurting or infected, so if it ain't broke, I don't fix it :P

I throw with me left hand, kick with my left foot, right with my right hand, use remote with my right hand...I guess it was just whatever I used first.
Fact: I'm all right (har), though after a few years of playing football I could kick just as well with my left than my right.
fact1: Joni just called and told me, that I´ve gained a reputation of a homosexual and an ill-minded pervert, and this time they don´t have anything to with each others.
fact2: I am proud of myself. :)
*hugs Santtu* :erk:

fact: i have my first hole ever in my teeth and it looks terrible and i want it to go away :'(
fact2: i'm really worried about a friend. and another friend too. and a third one also, kinda.
fact3: i have become a huge fan of Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory album.
fact4: i have a feeling my life's gonna be great from now on.

Naku ist krig said:
fact1: Joni just called and told me, that I´ve gained a reputation of a homosexual and an ill-minded pervert, and this time they don´t have anything to with each others.
fact2: I am proud of myself. :)
aaww Ketjuska my old mate!
i'm proud of you too :cool:
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